Living Books Credits (All Animation Sequences, Textless) [1993-1995 later variant]

Here are all the seven Living Books Credits Sequences (Wizard, Phone, Painting, Programmer, Music, Voiceover and Cheering) that I compiled in this video, and it's about time I am now starting to upload these credits animations as how they are officially present in the games (the previous two compilations of these credits animations I did from before are extended edits, which were not present like that in the games).
This is the second variant of the credits animations seen in later Living Books games starting with "The Tortoise and the Hare" and up until "Sheila Rae, the Brave". These animations were updated in both graphics and sound (this is the more-commonly seen version of the credits you all know so well from the Living Books credits for "Harry and the Haunted House" that is making the rounds online), and now used the music from the CD soundtrack for every animation, causing the Music animation to now have the regular song structure of the credits theme (as heard in the Phone animation as well). The Phone animation, having debuted in "The Tortoise and the Hare", was the first to appear in this kind of updated form, hence the first one not appearing in the early era of the credits animations (which is why I reconstructed an early variant for this animation and the Voiceover and Cheering ones for my compilation of the early versions of the animations). The ceiling crash sound effect heard at the end of the Programmer animation is also cut in this variant. In "Sheila Rae, the Brave", the second variant of the animations was arranged similarly to the eventual fourth variant (which would debut in the next Living Book "The Berenstain Bears in the Dark"), even though that was the last Living Books game to be produced in a 512x384 resolution.
This was done through audio/video editing, it is not a mod of the game sprites.
NOTE: This does not include the versions of Programmer and Music from "The New Kid on the Block" where there were minor errors (the Programmer's "stretched mouth" at the end of the Programmer animation and the Music one having the ending song piece played twice).
