Liverpool, England. 4x 1970’s OTIS Escalator ride at Liverpool Lime Street Low Level Station

Beautiful classics! These are the lovely old 1970s OTIS escalators at Liverpool Lime Street’s Low Level Station on the Merseyrail Wirral Line. A heavy duty custom built type Otis made (also they had some like this on the London Underground), built into the station structure with their own machine rooms underneath. That’s why they lasted so well as they’re not off the shelf items…
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**Unfortunately time is running out for these brilliant machines - since in April 2024 KONE won an order to replace all 14x original escalators still left on this network over the next year or so. There are 6 left here (of which 2 were in a previous video - 1 broken), 1 small one at Hamilton Square (permanently broken), 1 small one at James Street (permanently broken) and 6x left at Moorfields (1 broken). Every working one I made sure to document and give a full POV ride or sometimes 2! All the rest were replaced by Schindler mainly in about 2016 and at ‘Liverpool Central’ a few to the ‘Northern Line’ were by Kone at around the same time. Originally there were around 30.
*Originally these had the old fashioned ‘Keep Feet Clear Of Yellow Lines’ warnings that were very common in Britain back in those days. However those steps have been repainted to say ‘STAND TO THE RIGHT, HOLD ON TIGHT’.

