Lightroom Auto Sync Tip

Ted's Lightroom Tips: LIGHTROOM AUTO-SYNC

Lightroom Auto-Sync is a Time Saver
There are times that you have many photos that need almost the same treatments. The Lightroom Auto-Sync, AKA Batch Processing, saves you tremendous editing time.

In this video, I had more than ten pictures that the photographer took at the same time, location and camera settings. Instead of editing one photo at a time, I activated the Auto-Sync, and when I edited one image, the Auto-Sync applied the adjustments to all the selected photos.
Here are the steps:
1- In the Library, select the photos you want to Batch process.
2- Go to the Develop and Turn on the Auto-Sync...
3- Start editing one picture, and Lightroom applies the setting to all the selected photos.
The Lightroom Auto-Sync is a time-saver for pro photographers. Give it a try!
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