Light Up The Season for Children's Hospital

Last year, you met Keona. This is her today…
During the hustle and bustle of your holiday season, amidst the baking, shopping and family gatherings, we ask you to pause for a moment and remember one thing - Children’s Hospital never stops.
At this very moment, our dedicated caregivers are in our operating rooms, intensive care units and specialty clinics are saving lives, healing wounds and soothing bellyaches. At this very moment, hundreds of children are receiving the critical care they need.
Every day, every season - Children’s Hospital cares for kids who need us most, regardless of the severity of their illness or their family’s ability to pay.
During this holiday season, more than 22,000 children and their families will seek the expert care Children’s Hospital and our physicians, nurses and staff provide.
Let these patients, families and staff know you care.
Light Up The Season With…
HOPE - Give the gift of hope and make your best gift by Dec. 31, 2018 to the Kids Fund. Your donation will be put to work immediately to support our most pressing needs, from purchasing lifesaving medical equipment to funding cutting-edge pediatric research.
JOY - Along with your gift, write a message of encouragement to our patients, their families and our staff. Your message will be shared directly with those in need of holiday cheer.
LOVE - Spread the love and inspire others to consider Children’s Hospital by sharing your message of hope on social media with the hashtag #LightUpCHNOLA.
