Life song: A story of friendship between shepherds, goats, and sheep "


In the first part we get to know the simple and beautiful life of the village. We have a look at the shepherd's daily routine and his intimate relationship with goats and sheep. We also get acquainted with the deep bonds between these nature friends
In this section, the differences and diversity of life in the village are discussed. From the fascinating and exciting adventures of the shepherd in nurturing and taking care of goats and sheep to the face of nature challenges and unexpected events, they are all narrated in beautiful details.
In this section, the importance of harmony with nature and maintaining balance in the rural ecosystem is discussed. The role of goats and sheep is highlighted in preserving biodiversity and balance of nature
In the arms of nature, "is a story that, in addition to being entertained, reminds us of the process of life in harmony with important nature and human values such as friendship, unity, and peace.

