Libya torn to pieces by rebels, Gaddafi and coalition -- all for peace and oil

Its looks like evreybody wants a fare share in the cake of Libya and Russia might take part now?
Gaddafi is weak in Military operation to deffend but does it take all super powers countries to attack a weak nutcase Gaddafi.
To me its like school days big bulying happens in war
Latest coalition air-strikes hit two Libyan naval bases and two airports, including a civilian airport in the city of Sert. As the operation unfolds, rebels have reinforced their efforts to recover the territory they have lost to Gaddafi's forces.
The Libyan government's announcement of a ceasefire, which came on Sunday in response to the UN Security Council's resolution, hasn't seemed to put an end to military operations.
Heavy fighting reactivated in Lybian cities of Misrata, Zwitina and Ajdabiya. The biggest struggle is unfolding in the city of Misrata, 200km East of Tripoli. The city is reported to have been surrounded by Gaddafi's forces for four consecutive days. Government troops have been cutting off electricity, fuel and water supplies. Civilians are also reported to have been brought in from other areas to be used as human shields against the air strikes.
On Monday morning Libyan opposition troops stepped into the oil port of Zwitina, just northeast of Benghazi. The city was abandoned by the regime's forces after a long and heavy fight last week. Now it is reported to be bombarded by Gaddafi's ground troops.
The town of Ajdabiya, which is the second largest rebel stronghold after Benghazi, is also besieged by Gaddafi's forces and is waiting to be joined by more rebel troops which are approaching the city from Benghazi.The opposition forces have met with the UN Security Council's representatives in the city of Tobruk to discuss the latest humanitarian efforts and
