LIBYA - NATO Takes over USA & Collation,s Dirty Job - Killing Civillains for PEACE

ITALY Will face many Problems
Following six days of intense negotiations among its member states, NATO has finally agreed to assume control of the no-fly zone in Libya, where western warplanes continued their air strikes.
Control of the military campaign in Libya, which was authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1973 and is known as Odyssey Dawn, will be transferred from the coalition forces to NATO in 1-2 days.
"We are taking action as part of the broad international effort to protect civilians against the attacks by the Gaddafi regime," alliance Chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said. "We will cooperate with our partners in the region and welcome their contributions."
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the US was ready to transfer control of its operations to the alliance, which has agreed to "take on the broader civilian protection mission."
