Liam Family USA | Lion cub Was Adopted by New Mommy | Family Kids Cartoons


Daddy please, can i have food? What?
You’re sleeping? Come on dude!
I know just what to do
Aww, mommy’s sleeping too!
The neighbor parks on the street
Can she help lion cub eat?
Sorry mommy, gotta go
Hope the neighbor has food though
Lion cub bring your plate
Yummy food, just you wait
Gonna make my paws clean
Fanciest clothes i’ve ever seen!
If you want some yummy food
You need to work my dude
Digging oil wells is fun
You should dig another one
Lion cub digging down
Glad a helper was around
Oil barrel you can’t stop it
Just be sure you don’t drop it
Thank you so much, here’s your dough
This job stinks, gotta go!
I gotta rush back
Lots of work to get a snack
We can make it really big
All you have to do is dig!
Poke poke poke, bash bash bash
We will find a lot of cash!
Gems and gems, gold galore
We won’t be hungry anymore!
When they buy a fancy castle
It becomes a major hassle
Wow this castle weighs a bunch
I just wanted to eat lunch!

