Liam Family USA | Funny Zombies | Family Kids Cartoons


Zombies coming one by one
Wow this game is pretty fun
Lion cub wins a treat
Hey that looks really neat
Here you go, give it a shot
But sadly he cannot
Though he is having fun
He doesn’t hit a single one
Sorry no treat for you
Lets try someone new
As Orcy has a try
Little bro starts to cry
Practicing hitting the nail
And next time you won’t fail
I'll give this a wack
But he gives the wall a smack
Hummmm what to do?
This is the one for you
With this, I can’t fail
The thing he misses is the nail
We’ll give it another try
With the colors in the sky
Just follow the rainbow son
You won’t miss a single one
Give it another try
“Okay I will”, is his reply
All right here we go
You’ll do great little bro
He hits more and more
And even gets a high score
YAY I won, super sweet
I got this super treat
He won all the toys
With extra for the other boys
What a great day

