Is Chen Tongjia "surrendered" triggering the anti-extradition bill?

(00:00:00) In 2018, a 19-year-old Hong Kong young man killed his Hong Kong girlfriend in Taiwan. As a result, the murder led to the introduction of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, and then a series of anti-extradition protests broke out. The situation in Hong Kong is still turbulent. As the murderer was released from prison, the fire continued to spread from Hong Kong to Taiwan, triggering a political struggle between the two sides. When the whole incident is simplified to "contain it or not," it seems that the delivery of so-called judicial justice is no longer the most important thing. Some people suspect that Chen Tongjia was "surrendered" and that he was "surrendered." The political motivations and purposes behind the surrender are definitely not simple. In fact, Chen Tongjia did not suddenly decide to come to Taiwan to surrender before he was released from prison, but after a period of communication and coordination. Pastor Guan Haoming played an important role in this process. He had come to Taiwan to inquire before. If Chen Tongjia is willing to come to Taiwan and surrender, will he possibly be sentenced to death? After he understood that killing a person in Taiwan was unlikely to result in the death penalty, Guan Haoming persuaded Chen Tongjia's father to let his son surrender to Taiwan and let him atone for the mistakes he had committed. Just a few days before Chen Tongjia was released from prison The news came to light today. Let’s take a look at the immediate reactions of the Hong Kong and Taiwan governments at that time.
(00:32:35) Until these stories are told, we will never know how tense the situation on the front line was back then. Not only did the Communist army launch missiles, they also hit the sea off Keelung and Kaohsiung. A large-scale amphibious joint combat exercise was held on the southeastern coast. It is said that the US military also detected that the Communist army had assembled two reinforced infantry divisions on Pingtan Island. Even the personnel and equipment have been boarded, and the task of seizing the island can be carried out at any time, including Gaodeng, Dongju, and Xiju, which are all possible targets. These islands are all outlying islands, and it is very difficult to provide logistical supplies. Once they are surrounded, they can only fight hard on their own. At that time, everyone was busy building sandbags and digging trenches during the day, and they could not relax at night. They even had to be fully armed and holding guns while sleeping. sleep. The infantry company commander on Dongju Island said that at the most tense moment, it was his turn to go back to Taiwan on leave. Everyone else arrived at the pier and it was crowded with people. Everyone wanted to evacuate to Taiwan, but he suddenly decided, He didn't leave. He said that when he returned to the company headquarters, everyone was having dinner in the Zhongshan Room. Someone asked him, boss, why are you back? He only said that if he wanted to fight, of course he would stay and fight with everyone. This is the life of the same island, everyone. Tears fell down after hearing what he said.
(01:20:28) Why did Taiwan’s intelligence unit oppose it? Could it be that they already knew the backgrounds of the six hijackers? Mainland media later reported that Zhuo Changren was actually reported for economic crimes in the mainland. In order to evade sanctions, they took desperate risks. Unexpectedly, not only did they successfully hijack the plane, but they were also regarded as anti-communist martyrs by the Taiwan government and received a warm welcome as heroes. The lives of these six people were completely turned around. Although they were not like those previous CCP pilots, because they Fighters flew over, so they could get thousands of taels of gold, but the Taiwan government did not treat them badly and gave everyone NT$2.5 million. Judging from the prices at the time, it was already a pretty generous bonus. If you can If used properly, it can ensure a life of adequate food and clothing, but I didn't expect that Zhuo Changren would lose more and more due to investment failures, and he even lost his own life.
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  • @yujacky8955
    @yujacky89552 күн бұрын

    各位: ❶除了當年馬祖地區的西莒等等島嶼, 有要變成「一江山第二」的準備以外, 當年台南基地之空軍第1戰鬥大隊的F-5E/F戰機群, 正要預備於對岸中共軍方真的敢開第一槍時, 進行「決戰境外,源頭打擊」的跨海轟炸福建境內之共軍三軍基地行動, 類似於以色列於1973年贖罪日戰爭的情形。 不過當時美方知道上述消息時, 美方除了派出獨立號、小鷹號等等航空母艦戰鬥群巡邏台海, 以防我中華民國空軍重蹈以色列空軍於1973年贖罪日戰爭的覆轍, 美方更也秘密與我中華民國方面共同商議, 若中共軍方真的敢開第一槍時, 台、美雙方如何共同反擊對岸共軍的實質計劃, (*當時美方應該有要派F-117攻擊對岸福建共軍基地群) 也讓當時對岸共軍趕緊鳴金收兵, 結束了「台海飛彈危機1996」。 ❷如今事過境遷, 現今國防部、空軍總司令部也對上面第一點所示之英勇的秘密檔案, 毫無遮掩之必要! 希望國防部、空軍總司令部 能有朝一日完整公開這份上面第一點所示之英勇的秘密檔案群, 以示全體中華民國人民。

  • @sandywang1452
    @sandywang14522 күн бұрын


  • @CLZHH0311
    @CLZHH0311Күн бұрын


  • @user-ng6ph7yx1k
    @user-ng6ph7yx1k2 күн бұрын

    這是報什麼東西 沒畫面,不會不能上字慕嗎 真害,真隨便

  • @user-ky7yq9su4m


    2 күн бұрын

