Let's Talk - How I would fix the Story of Sonic Forces!


For the second episode of Let's Talk, I do as promised and give my thoughts on the story of Sonic Forces and propose my version of the events described in the game to fix what many fans consider to be total mess & waste of a storyline.
I'll post my ideas/vision for the details about various stages & bosses in the Pinned Comments, so I won't crowd this description. I'll also add further details on other game elements & story structure ideas there that relate to this proposed version of the game described in the video. Comment and suggest your own story ideas!
- Introduction (why I care) 0:00:00 - 0:02:44
- Story Summary 0:02:45 - 0:13:39
- My thoughts 0:13:40 - 0:19:04
- Story Fix Time! 0:19:05 - 1:01:27
I OWN NOTHING. This is a critique. I gain nothing from doing this, only part that benefits from this is Sega, more exposure to their game... if they wish to direct attention towards the thing.
I don't own any of the characters, themes, artworks, musics nor storylines, except for my own opinions & viewpoints discussed in the video. All belongs to Sega, Sonic Team & other license holders.

Пікірлер: 129

  • @Marionic9001
    @Marionic90013 жыл бұрын

    Here is my ideas/vision for various Stages & Bosses for the game and how they'd function, as mentioned in the video: STAGES: 1. Green Hill Zone (Tutorial level) 2. Scorched Hill (ruined version of Green Hill Zone) - Boss: Death Egg Robot 3. Ghost Town (Eggman Empire invasion) Sonic-less portion of the Game at 00:28:13​ - 00:38:32​ OC will be the main character in the 4 levels leading to the Prison Break levels. Levels 5-6 could have additional Boss fight in them with Original Robot/Mech. 4. Tornado flying level 1 - Boss: Giant Death Egg Robot? 5. Chemical Plant Zone (Renewed, more SatAM inspired version) 6. Mechanical Casino Mayhem 7. Station Square-Inspired level - Boss: Chaos 0/Mecha Chaos 8. Egg Factory (Gimmicky Robot Factory) Prison break portion of the Game at 00:38:32​ - 00:41:46​ Amy comes up with intel about Sonic's whereabouts in level 9. The Egg Prison levels follow Sonic. After he is successfully rescued at the end of the Level 11, OC will once again take over the main character role for 2 more levels. 9. Tornado flying level 2 - Boss: Egg Carrier style Ship 10. Egg Prison (Labyrinth portion) - Boss: Zavok 11. Egg Prison - Boss: Mephiles 12. Lava/Volcanic-themed Zone 13. Mining-themed Zone - Boss: Orbot & Cubot (Giant Monster Mech's) Tag-Team portion of the Game at 00:41:46​ - 00:42:58​ Sonic & OC will both be playable in the following levels, except for Level 15, which I think works best as Sonic-only level. Resistance will retrieve power source for their Ship & encounter Rouge in level 17. 14. Arsenal Pyramid (instead of being Green Hill Zone rehash, now entirely based on Desert) 15. Luminous Forest - Boss: Infinite 1 16. Red Gate Bridge - Boss: Neo Metal Sonic/Alternate Form Metal Sonic? 17. Cyber/Digital-themed Zone (alternatively, a version of Metropolis Angel Island Invasion portion of the Game at 00:43:58​ - 00:47:57​ all of the levels are Tag-Team (except for possibly Level 18 or 20) Present-day Shadow is rescued in Level 18 and Angel Island is liberated at the end of Level 21. 18. Prison Island (Renewed Mechanical version) - Boss: SA2 Shadow 19. Resistance Flagship level 1 - Boss: Angel Island Fortress 20. Angel Island act 1 21. Null Space & Angel Island act 2 Final Battle portion of the Game at 00:47:57​ - 00:58:59​ Resistances Invasion spans the levels 22-23 and Battle against Eggman in levels 24-5. 22. Eggtropolis Act 1 (Invading the Eggman Empire Capital & fight against Infinite's Army) 23. Eggtropolis Act 2 (Falling Sun section ect.) - Boss: Infinite 2 24. Resistance Flagship vs. Final Death Egg Robot 25. Death Egg Zone - Boss: Death Egg Core After the ending of the main campaign, each stage unlocks new missions for replay.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Cutscenes would be mostly rendered in CGI, while real time cutscenes would also be used, mainly for the base & hub. The Phantom Ruby would have little more detailed backstory. Both it and the gem from Sonic Mania (another piece of the larger Ruby) was worshipped by Evil Echidna Cult obsessed with chaos as the brother of Master Emerald, believed to have been created by Dark Gods. It's true origins are unknown, but it's undoubtedly linked to the Emerald. Like Master Emerald, it can nullify the power of 7 Emeralds, rendering them inert & thus Super Forms are unusable. The powers of 7 Emeralds only return after Phantom Ruby is destroyed in the end. I'm also thinking on adding Blaze to the story. Perhaps Silver brought her with him because Resistance needs all the help it can get? Or Phantom Ruby's Time & Space muckery also effected her World, prompting her to come check it out? As I left the explanation on how Mephiles could be brought back to the present by Phantom Ruby little vague in the video, I shall elaborate on it here: You all know how Sonic 2006 Timeline was erased by Sonic & Elise (some…how…) going back in time & destroying Solaris before events of the game could be caused? Well, while it is true that the events of 2006 will never happen now, that just means there are 2 timelines now… one where Solaris (and by proxy, Mephiles & Iblis) existed, AKA timeline where 2006 took place... a new timeline where Solaris was destroyed by Elise was simply created & is the one we’ve been following since after 2006. Same thing as Ocarina of Times timeline split & Dragon Ball’s multiple timelines. From Infinite’s perspective, he can see multiple pasts (different timelines), one where 2006 happened & one where the flame was blown out & it didn’t happen, and simply pull things from both of them. Mephiles is pulled specifically from moment after he killed Sonic, but didn’t yet fuse with Iblis (mainly so Mephies can reference it & have Sonic & others react on it). Since neither Iblis nor him exist in Sonic Forces main timeline, and that he’s stranded there, Infinite’s power is the next best thing he wants to go after. And of course, Dan Green would return to voice act him! Resistance HQ would function as Hub between levels (unlockable after level 4) & would gradually grow in amount of NPC's, allies, & tech/stuff as the Resistance grows. The amount of how much your base changes & develops items depends on the man-power you recruit after each level, amount of which is based on your total score. The items your troops would produce could include the likes of Generations/Adventures inspired upgrades to playable characters & Wisp Weapons to be unlocked, or optional shop items, like starting level with extra Rings, shields, Red Ring detectors & so on. Hub would be big & include few areas, such as command Room, few halls & outside, all places where you could meet either Resistance Soldiers, who have side-quests for the levels, and Sonic's friends, who would give out side-missions in unique short levels. Chao Garden could also be found outside tended to by Cream & Vanilla, because YES, we need this. There would be lot of collectibles & unlockables for each level through side-missions, Red Rings & High-scores, as well as Hub-Missions. This would include Character Bios, Hub-items (like decorations or man-power) concept art, music, & maybe even Sonic Generations/Adventures style upgrade system?

  • @Marionic9001


    2 жыл бұрын

    Episode Shadow: Shadow’s DLC episode could still be worked in for additional content in the game, I’m thinking on the lines of spy style story & gameplay based on modern Sonic with more combat elements. Story would take place just days or mere hours before Eggman’s invasion, and the subsequent time period where Sonic was missing thanks to being transported into the future, giving further details on how GUN & the world at large fell. Story: The story would start with Team Dark infiltrating secret Eggman facility hidden away in mountains, where GUN has tracked Eggman & suspecting that the doctor is planning something big, they send their best operatives to investigate… jet plane drops Team Dark into the base in cinematic scene of awesomeness. Inside the facility they find info on Phantom Ruby’s experiments with time warping (and possibly some lore hints on it's origins ect), but are soon detected & Eggman’s shadowy figure taunts them through the monitors, releasing one of the experimental Phantom Ruby summoned creatures: Bio Lizard (now dubbed BioHazard), corrupted & glitching thanks to Ruby’s time powers still in imperfect. Shadow faces his old enemy again, with new gimmicks added to the classic SA2 boss format. After defeating the behemoth, Team Dark downloads all the info on the Ruby that they can, & make a run for it as the facility self-destructs attempting to take them with it. Shadow saves his teammates & they speed down the snowy mountain in awesome action sequence (heck, why not have Omega turn into Bike and/or Snowmobile for Shadow & Rouge to use as a transport, that would be sick, sure why not). After fighting their way out of the mountainside, the receive call from Commander Tower, saying that GUN’s main HQ is under siege by Eggman’s fleet that seemingly came out of nowhere. The team rushes back to find the HQ devastated, Infinite leading the charge, in his chronological debut. Shadow & his friends fight their way through the base, clearing troops, Infinite summoning army of Shadow Androids to distract everyone so he can kill commander Tower. Team Dark manages to reach Infinite & Commander Tower (who’s on his last leg) in time, & dialog is exchanged, Infinite eagerly wanting to test his powers against so called ‘Ultimate Life Form’. Omega attacks him to no effect & is destroyed for his troubles. Shadow tells Rouge to get away & let him deal with Infinite, most important thing is to get wounded commander & Omega out, as well as get the information on Phantom Ruby that they stole from Eggman’s base to someone who can understand it. The battle starts, Infinite merely avoiding all Shadow’s throwing at him while taunting him. He decides to test Shadow, summoning forth Black Doom with his Phantom Ruby. Shadow is shocked by the return of his ‘father’, and Doom immediately puts him into illusion showing him past events & tragedies he’s endured in an attempt at re-awakening his hatred for humanity (similar to how it was the first time). After playing very minor section of Space Colony ARK (memory), Shadow breaks free of the illusion, as this is something he’s already dealt with before & put behind him. There’s a dialog bit with Shadow & Black Doom, who then turns into Devil Doom to fight Shadow, same corrupted effect happening to him as Bio Lizard. Now called Death Doom, the malformed Black Arms leader’s boss fight is reinvented similarly into platformer like Perfect Chaos was for Generations. After Shadow defeats the glitching monstrosity, Infinite wonders if Phantom Ruby still needs fine tuning before he summons more forces. Next up, he & Shadow have epic fight, with Infinite winning in the end, crushing Shadow in reverse of the scene in the… actual game... realizing he’s done for & that his comrades are next, Shadow uses all his strength to delay Infinite. As his final move, he unleashes full power Chaos Blast, which manages to cause a dent on Infinite’s Phantom Ruby (which Sonic will later manage to capitalize on, chipping away the piece Tails picks up in the main story)…. Puzzled by Shadow’s heroism & self-sacrifice, Infinite considers bringing in a different version of the black hedgehog, to find out the reason why he would stand in defense of humanity, despite his origin being similar to him. And so, Shadow is locked up, Rouge & Commander Tower are in hiding & Omega is in shambles… the information Team Dark stole from Eggman will be later used to create Avatar Character in the actual story, explaining where they got that from, and thus, we have caught up with main events of Sonic’s return & subsequent capture by Infinite in the beginning of the game, and rest is history… Stages: - Secret Eggman Base - Boss: BioHazard - Thunderous Tundra - GUN HQ Invasion - Boss: Death Doom - Infinite Boss Battle The DLC will shed light on what happened to Team Dark before & during the invasion & how they ended up in their current state, gives additional insight on Eggman’s invasion, creation of Infinite, hints at phantom ruby’s history & the important info on how the Resistance got hold of the information to create the Avatar Character… but most importantly, fan service. Silver could also have his own DLC episode, and if we REALLY wanted to add Classic Sonic, there could be a DLC side-story where Classic cast get transported to Forces main timeline by Phantom Ruby on accident (thanks to Eggman’s experiments or smthn) & have them fight classic villains like Hard Boiled Heavies, Metal Sonic & Battle Kukku Empire… but I’d rather keep Classic Sonic out of the game… just saying that there’s a possibility to work them in.

  • @Kronoblade99
    @Kronoblade993 жыл бұрын

    Amazing. Seriously, the first act already surpasses the game’s actual story. Although I do have a few problems with it, this is probably the best retelling of Sonic Forces so far. Kudos.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks man! I’m glad the way it came out. May I ask what your problems were though?

  • @numberjacksoctonauts7138
    @numberjacksoctonauts71383 жыл бұрын

    I live for the Team Dark plots people come up with in Sonic Forces, I really do, and the one you came up with is just heart breaking, heart-warming and awesome. Shadow captured by Infinite, Omega's busted and Rouge desperately trying to fix him and secretly helping the resistance, and then they all save Shadow.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks man, glad you liked it! I really don't understand Sega's current mindset regarding Team Dark. It's shame that they don't want to do anything interesting with them. I for one love this team dynamic when it's done right (like in 2006, or Archies Shadow Saga & -Fall) and am quite content with how it ended up int he video. I originally had in mind that all 3 were part of the resistance initially, Shadow & Omega being taken out of comission and Rouge leaving to look for them, but in the end I felt them being separated the whole game and joining the fight against Eggman after they're first reunited with each other would be much more heartfelt.

  • @numberjacksoctonauts7138


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 My version of their separation is a bit closer to the actual game's events: Omega's damaged and missing, leaving Rouge, Shadow and their fellow G.U.N. members desperately looking for him over the month leading up to Eggman's takeover. Cut to when Forces happened, Shadow tries to speed over to save Sonic from being captured by Infinite and his generals, (Shadow and Rouge at first assume the fake Shadow was a leftover Shadow Android), but he gets there too late. He and Rouge then discover that Infinite can make counterfeits in the real world as well as in virtual realities, and Shadow decides to take advantage of the fact there's Shadow clones crawling around everywhere by acting as a double agent so he can rally information back to Rouge and she can tell the resistance. Rouge is naturally worried for this plan as they still haven't found Omega and she'd be loosing Shadow as well, but decides to go through with it. Shadow also does his best to make Sonic's conditions at the Death Egg more manageable, but can't do much without being caught in the act. He eventually secretly depowers the cuffs that Sonic was being held down in so he can escape.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@numberjacksoctonauts7138 Hey that pretty cool! I like the double agent idea, but unfortunately it wouldn't work with my version of the story, as in my story treatment Infinite doesn't create Virtual Reality Duplicates, but Timeline counterparts. Though I find it funny that Infinite can't tell Real Shadow apart from his Clones. I'd see Eggman fall for it, but Infinite can't sense which ones he made? Shadow helping Sonic escape is pretty cool too.

  • @numberjacksoctonauts7138


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 I guess Shadow has to be especially sneaky around Infinite then. Thanks to spending a lot of time with Rouge, I could see this happening.

  • @tabbywarrior


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 I actually liked it

  • @strelitziamystery21
    @strelitziamystery212 жыл бұрын

    Honestly when I saw the Sonic Forces trailers, I thought it was Sonic Generations 2 and we would have 2 shadows. I had an idea that I wish happened: SA2 Shadow: I will destroy everything! Present Shadow: Maria's real wish was for us to help earth. SA2 Shadow: *Shadow.exe is not responding* Present Shadow: Alright I've beaten him, moving on!

  • @jtanimeandnerd101
    @jtanimeandnerd1013 жыл бұрын

    We need to bring back the dark tone of Sonic the Hedgehog. Looking at Sonic Forces it was meant to be the Avengers Endgame of Sonic since Sonic Colors when they should have focused on all of the games before Sonic Colors even before Sonic Forces I always thought the best Sonic culmination story was Sonic 06 I know it wasn't the best game and story but it pulled no punches and i thought the ensemble was perfect. Sonic Forces's Story makes the Sonic 06 story look more tolerable need I say more. This game should have been Sonic Adventure 3 in disguise.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    I agree with lot of the stuff you're saying (even the Sonic 2006 part funny enough). But I don't think this should've been Sonic Adventure 3 in disguise... both the story & gameplay easily had the potential for their own identities. ...And of course, Adventure 3 should still be made as well ;)

  • @tabbywarrior


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 I think adventure formula did great in sonic 06 (ps3) and lost world (pc)

  • @jazzygryphon


    3 жыл бұрын

    Let's hope Sonic Prime and the next Sonic game delivers. 🤞🏾

  • @slinkydogfan4454
    @slinkydogfan44542 жыл бұрын

    The story you made is amazing

  • @CaptainCretaceous91
    @CaptainCretaceous913 жыл бұрын

    I must agree it could be better,. My favorite part was making your own characters. If they ever make another Forces, I'd like them to add more species. Maybe add chameleon.

  • @kenbenobi36
    @kenbenobi362 жыл бұрын

    I like your idea, just make Infinite be a creation of eggman instead of "im not weaker than shadow raaaaaa" I like Infinite but I admit that the backstory they gave him is very embarassing and underwhelming for a villain who was really hyped and the character has been derailed to meme status which makes is just sad

  • @jesse1794
    @jesse17943 жыл бұрын

    That was amazing, I wish this was real

  • @puppymaroon964
    @puppymaroon9643 жыл бұрын

    That sure was an epic story.

  • @cooler1679
    @cooler16793 жыл бұрын

    Why bother having Mephiles if they don't remember anymore. Aside from that. I think Shadow sued not talk either like in the original. And as for Zavok. I think he's still alive. Also, maybe his phantom clone has a more advance intelligence? Just a theory. Not that well thought out but it works. Oh yea, and there are two worlds now. One more thing. I think Mephiles still have Shadow as his priority enemy. And really wants to take him down. But can't choose between past Shadow. Or current Shadow. WAIT YOU KILLED EGGMAN?! YOU BAFOON!!! HE'S THE MAIN VILLAIN! WHAT WHORE YOU THINKING?! Oh. Eggman puled a Doctor Doom. Cool. Also that Shadow on Shadow thing was cool. But did you have to kill him? Did you NOT THINK THAT WOULD MAKE A TIME PARADOX?!

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Mephiles would be there for fanservice mostly, and to allow new interesting story ideas. No-one knows him, but he knows them, which would result in some really fun interactions. He could harass Silver for example, claiming his ready to kill people & forsake his morality to help the future, or torment Shadow the same way like in 2006, but now knowing what he did wrong the last time. Mephiles: It’ll be my pleasure to kill you again, Hedgehog. Sonic: Huh? Again? I haven’t even met you! And why do you look like Faker of Shadow? Faker’s Faker! -Stuff like that "I think Shadow sued not talk either like in the original." -You mean that SA2 Shadow should be silent like the clone was (for no reason) in the actual game? I don’t see how that’d be an improvement, or how that would even make sense in the context of my story treatment. I suppose Zavok’s still alive since Sonic Team keeps showing him into every damn Sonic project. Stop it guys, Zavok’s never gonna happen! And if the Zavok-clone in the original game has higher intelligence than others, it’s never stated. And if so, why? Why specifically only him & not the others? The 2 worlds thing is contradicted by literally everything & even Izuka himself has demonstrated that he himself doesn’t know what the F*ck he’s talking about. I might go more in depth on my problems with that dumbness in the future, but I’ve already discussed this with another commentator. Mephiles would most likely be most fixated on Infinite in this scenario, but seeing as present day shadow is captive for most of the story, Mephiles would prolly haunt SA2 Shadow. He'd certainly be interested to see this younger Shadow still hate humanity & want to see Infinite make him fall. Haha, fooled you with the Eggman bit huh? I wasn't thinking about Doombots when writing that bit but Sonic Heroes' Fake Eggman, but yeah, exactly like Doombots. Yeah, I suppose now there exist bunch of Alternate Timelines where Shadow is dead before SA2 ends, Chaos never appears & Sonic Heroes is left without conclusion with all these bad guys getting pulled from their Timelines. I guess those Timelines either have to make a do without them (Earth is screwed in the Timeline where SA2 Shadow goes missing as soon as Black Arms invade/Sonic 206 happens) or maybe Phantom Ruby Prime shattering returns every time alteration back to normal? That sounds like a cop-out but I don't think those alternate timelines getting f*cked is ging to effect anything in Present Time. Like in Generations for example.

  • @cooler1679


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 Ok...

  • @goldenboybenny7511
    @goldenboybenny75114 жыл бұрын

    The sonic being tortured and sonic beating Eggman for decades are mistranslation’s.

  • @Marionic9001


    4 жыл бұрын

    Okay. All that tells me though is that english speaking Sonic Team is even dumber that Japanese One? Doesn't change the fact that those dumbass lines exist, regardless if they're error or not.

  • @goldenboybenny7511


    3 жыл бұрын

    Marionic90 Quite insulting them they probably spent hours of work translating those lines to and you dissmising them as dumb is a insult to all there effort. You can’t judge them for a few errors they had a whole script to translate anyone is bound to make a few mistakes even professionals.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@goldenboybenny7511 Yes, they probably spend hours for that... hours they evidently wasted as they couldn't get even a simple thing like that right. "You can't judge them, everyone makes mistakes" - Why not? Isn't it normal to judge someone when they f*ck up? I am just calling it as I see it.

  • @goldenboybenny7511


    3 жыл бұрын

    Marionic90 Hours wasted... so your just going to ignore all the accurate translations over a few mistranslations that ultimately don’t effect the story that much I mean the sonic adventure 2 games translations had lines that made no sense in the context of the scenes dose that mean there stupid two. And If you judge a person as stupid for a couple of fuck ups then you would literally call everyone in the world stupid.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@goldenboybenny7511 Let me rephrase this so you understand... I am here to critique flaws. Is a mistranslation/inconsistency (incredibly easy to spot too) a flaw? - Yes. Therefore it is deserving of criticism. Did I say the story makes no sense because of these 2 factors? - No, the story makes no sense on it's own, translation errors are merely added bonuses. Did I judge them stupid for these mistakes? Considering how these errors are so easy to spot & fix, yes.

  • @littlemissdeadly24papyrus36
    @littlemissdeadly24papyrus362 жыл бұрын

    Man I just has the coolest idea of Eggman straight up bombing angel island like he doesn't need the chaos emeralds he's got the phantom ruby bye bye ME

  • @littlemissdeadly24papyrus36


    2 жыл бұрын

    Forces should be absolutely destroying everything we know and love

  • @littlemissdeadly24papyrus36


    2 жыл бұрын

    The problem is they completely threw away the world for a new one with bland animal characters no on cares about so we need to bring back the world building from sa1 and sa2 along with unleash come back to these familiar areas absolutely decimated

  • @littlemissdeadly24papyrus36


    2 жыл бұрын

    And I'm not saying having animals in the world is bad I think humans and animals like sonic should both exist but please please make them look cooler than what we got and let us talk to them so we can get attached

  • @goldenboybenny7511
    @goldenboybenny75114 жыл бұрын

    5:16 don’t ask me where the human characters are ( Don’t you know according to takashi iizuka the Vice President of Sonic team there are two worlds a human world and a animal world sometimes games take place on the human world adventure 1 2 unleashed and sometimes they take place on the animal world like lost world and forces.

  • @Marionic9001


    4 жыл бұрын

    Yes, I know, decided not to mention it in the video since it opens up a whole new can of Worms regarding the lore. Besides, that is heavily contradictory to past titles. What business would Shadow have in Sonic's world (Animal world) when he was born in human world & promised to protect it or joining GUN that operates on that specific World, how echidnas are stated to have existed in same world that GUN operates in, (AKA human world) according to myriad of games including Adventure series, Sonic Battle & Dark Brotherhood. Cream & Vanilla have also been seen to live in same world as humans but in IDW comic's connected to Forces, they live in Animal world & we have Silver living in the future of human world but coming over every so often to Animal world claiming that it's his past... just incomprehensible, and I could go on forever. Not to mention minor plotholes this statement creates, like why is Eggman retardedly multitasking to take over 2 Planets, or everyone & their mom having access to dimensional travel between the two worlds and the fact THAT IT'S NEVER EVEN SUGGESTED IN THE GAMES BUT GODDAMNED SONIC X CARTOON WHICH IS DIFFERENT SERIES!!! ...Sorry. Also not like Iizuka should be considered authority regarding Sonic lore when he doesn't even know that Emerald Coast (location from Sonic Adenture Series AKA human world) isn't part of Sonic's World. Just shameless way to softly reboot the franchise with no regards to previous stories, that no fan should take seriously. Might do a video on this honestly, but there's so many already out there speaking the same.

  • @goldenboybenny7511


    4 жыл бұрын

    Marionic90 I chose to think of it like every game before sonic colors takes place on human world and Eggman got sick of failing to take over the human world so he moved to a new planet as for shadow I justify that of him getting stuck on that world after generations or just going after Eggman because he thinks the human world is safe for all we know g.u.n could have sent him after eggman.

  • @goldenboybenny7511


    4 жыл бұрын

    Marionic90 I actually liked the two worlds idea having realistic settings in the same world as green hill never sat right with me what I don’t like is how few of the previous games locations are set there seriously there were plenty of previous games where no humans appeared(heroes ,riders, rush ) they only use green hill and chemical plant. Green hill is zone witch is confirmed to be on South Island witch is on the human world.( It was shown on the sonic adventure 2 would map) so yeah while I accept the two worlds canon I understand why you have problems with it.

  • @Marionic9001


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@goldenboybenny7511 You do realize that what you're saying about Colors/Generations being the diverging point is not supported by anything ACTUALLY happening in the franchise & you'r Eggman claim actually contradicts the Iizuka's claim of Classic games taking place in animal world...? Also, you can like the idea behind 2 World all you want, sure go ahead, but there's nothing in the actual story supporting this one crackpot statement by one guy who doesn't even know which game a level he worked on belongs to (Emerald Coast, *cough*) Let's examine why Sonic Colors & Generations both still take place in same cohesive continuity as Sonic Adventure & 2006 with just few bullet points: Shadow and Silver both appear in DS version of Colors, both referencing past events, so they sure as Sh*t didn't get stranded into animal world by Generations. Besides it'd be idiotic for Shadow to think human world is safe without Eggman, when beings like Dark Gaia & other aliens not related to the doctor have threatened the planet in past, that can still keep happening. Your theory also ignores how Silver's future exists in human world according to 2006 & Rivals, but in animal world according to Forces. And yes, you're right about Green Hill alone being a huge plot-hole by existing in both animal world (Sonic 1, Forces ect) & in human world (Dark Brotherhood), which also happens to unfortunately make your theory of everything up to Colors being in human world, literally impossible. I understand it's your headcanon you'd like to follow, but there's obvious holes. It is FAR EASIER to just ignore Iizuka's contradictory statement, than to let it make all the past games non-sensical trying to justify those inconsistencies, like what you're doing. Believe me, it's far easier to ignore 1 Plot-Hole (Iizuka statement) than trying to rectify 30+ years of Plot-Holes.

  • @goldenboybenny7511


    4 жыл бұрын

    Marionic90 My theory is supported by (A) Iizuka making that statement in a interview around the same time as sonic colors coming out and(B) Humans stopped appearing after that While yes The Ds Version If colors dose contradict my shadow being stranded on sonic world theory that is not the only explanation I have for shadow being there. Another Explanation is that G.U.N sent shadow after eggman to keep an eye on him and make sure he never came back to the human world. As for why they would decide to send there ultimate weapon away Well. In sonic 06 it was revealed that humans still saw shadow as a threat maybe by sending him off world was there way of getting rid of him before he becomes a threat again. As for silver in the Ds version of sonic colors his whole motivation for going back in time was to see the greatest amusement park in history not to save his future. And in sonic forces after eggman Concorde Sonics world maybe he thinks he has the power to take over the human world as well so he goes back there starting a war on the human world that ruins silvers future And silver when going back in time decides to go stop the eggman on Sonics world before he has a chance to start the war on the human world. As for emerald coast Are you taking about emerald coast in the 3DS version of sonic Generations because that’s the only other version of emerald coast I know of. If you you are I would like to point out that The time eater was ripping locations from time and it was proven that the locations don’t have to be from the same planet I point to planet wisp in the no 3DS versions. Bye this logic he did not make a mistake I would also like to point out that dark brotherhood and forces all have world maps that show us where green hill is and by comparing these maps we can see that while both locations have green hill on them they are clearly not even the same continent. But my biggest piece of evidence comes from sonic unleashed where we see the whole human world and by comparing them we can clearly see that the continent that where most of sonic forces takes place on is no where to be found on the unleashed world map.

  • @jazzygryphon
    @jazzygryphon3 жыл бұрын

    Tails talks like WHAT?! 😳13:29

  • @ll_koolio


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yah wtf…🤔

  • @Virginblood66
    @Virginblood663 жыл бұрын

    If only sega hired you

  • @laudj_art
    @laudj_art2 жыл бұрын

    My left ear enjoyed this

  • @tabbywarrior
    @tabbywarrior3 жыл бұрын

    The story doesn't need fixing. This is by far the best story I have ever seen in a video game no cap. Why the hell would anyone "fix" or even attempt to "fix it"? You know what they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it and if it's amazing, don't ruin it!" Now this isn't ruining it but hey I love this game. I think it's a worthy successor to Sonic Colors and Generations, and I personally don't understand most problems people have run the game. I like the actual physics, it was fun throughout, had an epic beginning for infinite, and so much more.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Your kind is rare around these parts, I appreciate different perspective if nothing else! I'd love to hear you argue what makes this quote "best story I have ever seen in a video game no cap." That's a quite hefty statement, so please understand my wonderment & need for some justification. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" -even if a car is perfectly working as intended, who's to say it can't be improved even further? You say that my ideas aren't ruining it, but I wonder if what we got was better in comparison in your eyes? I'd be interested to hear some defenses for story ruining it's immersion & stakes, Tails' coward-moment, unnecessary Classic Sonic inclusion, lackluster villains & continuity nuking most specifically. Considering this video only talks about the story & not gameplay I find it funny that you state the Forces story to be worthy successor to other 2 less story based games in Mainline Sonic (Colors, Generations). Are you implying those 2 are also top notch achievements in storytelling department? If that is what you're saying, may I asks how?

  • @marioandsonicfan1991
    @marioandsonicfan1991 Жыл бұрын

    Where's my queen blaze

  • @azimuddin1890
    @azimuddin18907 ай бұрын

    Hey Marionic90, I’m no longer planning on making comments with the rewrite/fanfic, instead I’ll (try) and make comics instead, I’ll post it on me instagram. However, I won’t be doing Sonic Mania Plus & Forces rewrite/fanfic, currently doing Sonic 2 movie rewrite comic, currently doing a sketch, planning out how I make them. It’s my first time by the way so it may not be amazing, or great, I don’t know how it will turn out, I want it to turn out anything other than bad. It won’t continue the pre-quill comics, instead doing it differently. I want to try and fix the problems the film had, like making Tails less an expositional character and more…a character, removing the wedding sub-plot, and adding more Sonic-y elements. I also won’t have Shadow be the next antagonist but have Chaos to wrap up what this plan to be the first trilogy of Sonic movies. After I do Sonic 2 movie rewrite, I’ll move on to F.N.A.F1-3 rewrite, improving F.N.A.F.1-7 + World, Sonic.T.H.4 Ep.3, F.N.A.F.1 movie rewrite, and then Sonic Mania Plus and Forces rewrite. So yee…also I might do my Sonic 3 movie, I don’t know.

  • @Marionic9001


    7 ай бұрын

    I see. hat is an ambitious idea on it's own, I'll wish you luck! What's your account? I may check out your works at some point in the future.

  • @azimuddin1890


    7 ай бұрын

    ⁠@@Marionic9001 For some reason, I can’t even type in my Instagram account. Well anyways, for my comic that I’m working on, again this is my first time, so it may not be great. I’m trying to figure out how to make good composition, how to draw panels and such (I don’t know if I said the same thing). Now I’m not great with shading which I want to really try on this as I’ve done it before. I don’t draw settings so this will be my start on that. Another problem I feel I’ll run into are dailogues, which I don’t think I’m good at, but since I’m trying to make this comic, I have too, plus the story requires exposition from characters and such. What I’ll try to do is rely more on visual story telling, again key word is try. As for how this comic will be, the first few pages will be recapping the first film, which I’m wondering weather or not that’s a good thing but it may be a good start before rewriting the second film. After that, it’ll be about the rewrite of the second film. The next problem is that, I’m rewriting the film, not completely my goal is to fix the films issues with its plot as I talked about in the first comment. The problems were talked about in LS Marks review of the film, and I think he makes very good points in that video, which inspired me to start my rewrite. Now the reason for why I want to make this comic is just because I want to, and I plan on doing it again for the F.N.A.F.1 movie rewrite, and want to focus on visual story telling. If this would turn out bad, or good, or great, there still be things I could improve upon, and perhaps in the future, my skills would be improved and I could go back and fix this comic, improving everything. Again, I’m doing this comic just because I want to.

  • @75JUNAKI
    @75JUNAKI3 жыл бұрын

    This comment contains poor grammar and misspellings. This comment is a redo of my rewrite and redo of the game-play and levels and how many there are. This back story rewrite is barely much of a rewrite and is written to be more basic. Sonic Forces: back story Comic book back story: Silver’s warning: In Angle Island Knuckles was guarding the Master Emerald when Silver came from the future warning Knuckles about the Eggman’s rule over the world thanks to a mysterious figure. Knuckles was surprised by that, whatever happened that lead to Eggman ruling the world they need to stop him and it. Silver tells him they need to gather an army of Resistance just to prepare to go up against Eggman’s army when it could be unleashed. They need to stop him but don’t know we’re his base is. Silver & Knuckles then went off to create the Resistance army, they gathered their friends too. Rouge was told by Knuckles about the whole thing and she contacts the (new) commander of G.U.N about the impending doom of the Eggman Empire. The rise of Infinite: (On the west side of Mystic Jungle) on a mountain were one of Eggman’s base a portal opened up and comes in The Phantom Ruby. Eggman was surprise as that happens, he picks it up as he sees a vision of the events of Mania Plus (Mania Mode). There was a lot to take in and Eggman then studied the Phantom Ruby. 3 days and he collected a lot of data of the Phantom Ruby. The Phantom Ruby can create a dream state were in a persons mind. The Phantom Ruby can create physical copies of existing person and monsters however it takes a lot of energy from the Phantom Ruby depending on how powerful a being is like for example Super Sonic but the Phantom Ruby can recharge it’ll only take like two or three days. It can teleport people to different locations. It can power up machines or a person similar to the Egg Robo’s in his vision (what are they called again?). If being hit by someone like Super Sonic it can cause it to go haywire that teleports to any other dimension. It can neutralize the gems like Chaos Emeralds which will give him the advantage over Sonic and co. Eggman gets excited as he was just given a random gem stone with so much power, with it he can use it to take over the world. When he conquered the world he wants to break everyone instead destroying them right away so he can relish in their despair as he takes their home-world away from them. After studying he uses a battle mech kind of similar to E123 Omega as an experiment and he wants to experiment on an actual person and take control of whoever it is maybe Sonic so he can use him to harm his friends to break them further but that’ll it’ll be extremely difficult. The Jackal Squad (lead by Blade The Jackal) invades Eggman’s base, destroying Badniks everywhere. Eggman isn’t worried and is more annoyed sends the mech which defeats Blade The Jackal and his squad. Eggman decides to convinced the Jackal Squad to join his side (as fodder). The Jackal Squad woke up as they’re in a room surrounded by Elite-Badniks. Eggman comes in offering them to join their Empire as he offers them anything they want (besides Badniks). The Jackal Squad denies to join them however Blade was interested as Eggman has created many Badniks and battle ships that are powerful. Blade wants to join someone who is skilled in making great inventions, a skilled Jackal working with a great inventor like Eggman. But he also wants a fair partnership at least since he know Eggman is evil he would betray him and the Jackal Squad. Eggman promises he will treat them fairly as it would be stupid to betray them since that’ll create problems for him. Eggman tells him he would need the Phantom Ruby to power him up to beat Sonic but Blade denies the Phantom Rubies power as that goes against who he is he favors skill over power. Eggman tells him that skill isn’t everything and sometimes power can exceed it plus it’s only an temporary experiment for someone who’s organic anyways so it won’t be any harm. Blade ponders for a bit, Staff tells him that it’s not worth it, Blade decides to at least work with him so he can build up a trust it needs to last for a while maybe a month. Eggman was disappointed but at least he has organic fodders and a future test subject. Shadow story DLC: G.U.N has located one of Eggman’s base in Magma Hills (another Eggman’s Base) and sends Team Dark there to destroy it and defeat him. Team Dark invades Eggman’s Base (Magma Hill stage - Shadow) and Eggman orders the Jackal Squad to stop them. The Jackal Squad tried to stop them and Blade pulls out his Crimson Sword against Shadow telling him he’s gonna show Shadow that his sheer skill alone will take him down as power is just a means to not use fist. Shadow tells him to leave it’s not worth working for Eggman. Blade doesn’t matter to him he’ll show what he’s capable of, Shadow thinks it’s pointless power or skill means nothing he just wants to destroy Eggman’s base. Infinite and The Jackal Squad attacks but was defeated pretty easily. Shadow tells them that he won’t kill him and it’s better to leave Eggman and turn their life around until it’s too late. Blade was disappointed as he wasn’t able to defeat Shadow. Eggman tells them to retreat and they do just that. As they retreated and Rouge sets a self destruct and Shadow uses Chaos Control to get them out of their and the base in Magma Hills blew up. (In the west side of Mystic Jungle) Eggman was angry at their failure but thankfully it isn’t Mystic Jungles base at least but still. Blade was pissed of how Shadow took him down so easily (he doesn’t know much about Shadow he only knows about Sonic) that skills means nothing since Shadow defeated him he can slice and dice mechs but not Shadow or even Sonic. Blade looks at his sword and Eggman puts his hands on his shoulder telling him he can beat Shadow if he accepts the Phantom Ruby. Blade reluctantly accepts as he thought of how his skill wasn’t enough and he was taken down too easily it was pretty embarrassing. The Jackal Squad wasn’t happy about Blades decision. Team Dark invades Arsenal Pyramid in Desert Bottom. Rouge collects all the data from a computer (in a computer room), Shadow and Omega are destroying enemies. The Jackal Squad comes out of nowhere and captures Rouge, Shadow and Omega comes in, Rouge is being held and Infinite floats down. Shadow tells them whoever they are to let Rouge go, Infinite tells Shadow that they will be their prisoners, Shadow won’t go down without a fight and just as Shadow was about to launch an attack Infinite puts Shadow in a dream state. Shadow is in Westopolis which is being invaded by the Black army not knowing why he’s here of why he’s here and more importantly how. Shadow knew it was a fake but it’s more why he was just about to fight against Infinite now he’s here. He just fights the Black Army with so much confusion running in his mind so vague on why this is happening (Westoplis stage - Shadow). Black Doom floats down telling Shadow to join him and his army. Shadow was expecting him of course the Black arms is here so of course he would be too. Shadow says no I’ll take you down as well as the entire army (Black Doom boss battle - Shadow). Black Doom ask Shadow if he wishes to die with Shadow responding did you forget who I am (reference to a video with the Dreamcast English voice cast in Shadow game). Black Doom transforms in Devil Doom and Shadow doesn’t have the Chaos Emeralds so he’s screwed. Shadow was defeated easily and is very injured, he wakes up and realizes he dreamed of the Black Arms invasion, Omega tells him of how he was just snoozed out. Shadow was confuse and in pain and begs Infinite for answers how did he snoozed out, why is injured. Infinite explains that the Phantom Ruby has the ability to put people into a sleep state and make up a dream for them, what ever they dream of if it involves the body being in pain or injured the physical body will react to that affect like how he conjured up the dream of the Black Arms invasion all that pain affects him on the outside. Infinite wanted him “the ultimate life-form” to experience this power he may not be Super Sonic level be he is powerful thanks to the Phantom Ruby. Shadow can’t believe that this Jackal has that power where did Eggman get this guy and how what other powers Infinite has. Omega started blasting at Infinite which he then beats Omega up, Shadow tires to fight him but due to him being injured Infinite beats him pretty easily. Shadow uses Chaos Spear to blast the computer room which causes an explosion which Rouge them escapes when the smoke spread. Shadow yells at Rouge to run and she can rescue them later, Bow contacts Eggman that they’ve defeated Shadow and Omega but Rouge escaped. Eggman just tells them to not bother they’ve captured the ultimate life-form and his mech who cares for that bat girl. Rouge escaped the Arsenal Pyramid and alerts G.U.N of Eggman and his impending (what ever that word is I used it to sound cool) invasion. Eggman launched his army onto the world and The Resistance are fights back. G.U.N teamed up with The Resistance so they would stand a better chance but even then they still aren’t enough.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Alright, let’s look at that re-re-rewrite. Interesting that you decided to redo the backstory comics as well, I just chose to omit them… though I have to say, your ideas for them are pretty similar to the originals. One critical question though: If Phantom Ruby isn’t based on time anymore (you mentioned it being illusions previously), so how could it change Silver’s future? In previous games it was happy future (post-Rivals 2) so why’d it change all of a sudden? And yes, this plothole goes unexplained in actual game & comic… "a portal opened up comes in The Phantom Ruby. Eggman takes the Phantom Ruby and studies it." - Interesting, at least he didn’t randomly find it on the floor. Was it sent from Classic World by Classic Eggman? "Eggman terrified powers a mech which defeats Blade The Jackal and his squad. Eggman decides to keep the Jackal Squad and place The Phantom Ruby on the leader and take control of him." - Why would he do that? Why’d he give his new greatest weapon to a total randy, one who just a minute ago was his enemy? Even if he’s controlled, that’s really f*cking stupid. What if control fails or he breaks free? Has Eggman any fail-safes? This same thing has happened to him million times already. If I may suggest, you should keep the situation same, but instead have Infinite either feign loyalty or recognize Eggman as the stronger & decide to follow him by his own will (first option has him reluctantly joining, second out of admiration, so I think first offers up lot more stuff to work with), so he & Jascals could over time do work for him & build enough trust for Eggman to appoint them elite squad & worthy of the Ruby… though still have Infinite controlled, just in case (if you really want to keep that part). - Shadow's DLC is pretty cool, I also like how you have different stages from main story added in DLC (Westopolis), but shouldn’t Shadow immediately recognize that none of this is real? That he’s seeing the past? The city was destroyed right? "Black Doom uses the Chaos Emeralds and transforms" - Wait, Black Doom doesn’t use the Emeralds to transform, he used them for Chaos control the comet on to the planet. Devil Doom is natural transformation. "Shadow lost and is injured, he wakes up and realizes he dreamed of the Black Arms invasion, Omega tells him of how he was just snoozed out. Infinite explains that the Phantom Ruby has the ability to put people into a sleep state and make up a dream for them to have and the physical body reaction to it." - Okay, that sounds good and all but… do the dreams happen in real time? Or in an instant like Tsukuyomi or something? I mean, if Shadow was just sleeping there on the floor, why didn’t Infinite f*ck him up or capture him? Also, I get the Matrix-esque part of you feeling pain from the illusions (believing them real) but how exactly can they damage you when they're not physical...? Does your belief make cuts & bruises magically appear...? Naturally, this was what the OG game tried, but it was incredibly poorly telegraphed. "Rouge alerts G.U.N of Eggman and his impending (what ever that word is I used it to sound cool) invasion." - Impending means “soon to come”, in threatening sense. Alright, so far so good, apart from Eggman making same non-sensical decisions with Infinite, like in the OG game/comic (at least he’s controlled in your version…). Though I counted only 2 stages in DLC (Arsenal Pyramid, Westopolis Invasion) & 2 bosses…? Feels very short for a DLC campaign. BTW: I have to say, I feel like structure of your writing has improved greatly from first couple of rewrites.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    ​@@75JUNAKI Beginning: So the Death Egg Robo was indeed a boss. That's cool. - YASSS you added the Hub!!! That was sorely missing in original game. Will this one have side-quests or minigames? Chao Garden maybe? Knuckles is still the Resistance leader? I’d pick Tails, but I guess this is fine. What has become of Angel Island & Master Emerald though? You didn’t address Knuckles leaving them in your tie-in comic. Later you say Resistance has the Master Emerald so…? "speaking of Infinite Blaze says how Infinite’s Phantom Ruby power has neutralize her Soul Emeralds and that’s why she won’t face him cause she did one time and that’s how she was defeated and the same applies to the Chaos Emeralds." - Oh thank god, I thought Burning Blaze was gonna solo the war for a moment. Though, how can Phantom Ruby do that if it has dem illusion powers…? Also Blaze fought Infinite, that would be really cool visually, create some terror in her friends knowing that despite all her power she was unable to do anything. Creates some early menace to Infinite. "Dagger turns off his communicator telling the squad their thoughts on this stupid war thing. The Jackal Squad shared the same opinion, they hate it because they’re more about surviving and sharpening their skills." - I don’t know why Jascal Squad has a problem with the war if their goal is to survive & get stronger. Isn’t a war a prefect stage to test & hone those kinds of abilities? Perhaps they don’t like to be bossed around by Eggman & would want to fight their own battles…? "Infinite actually likes the way things are for the world, he has the power." - Complete One-Eighty when compared to your last pitch for Infinite, but I’ll take it. More in line with what the game & many other people have envisioned for him… "Infinite tells the others the only one thing is that he hates how Eggman has control over him and he wants to be free from Eggman’s control." - Cool, so his end-game would be to take over the Eggman Empire for himself then, I suppose? But how exactly is Eggman controlling him? Mind-Control? That’s prolly not it, considering Infinite is aware of it…? Is there like a mental restraint so that he can’t use his powers on Eggman? "He plans to send Bow & Arrow to the mountain near the west side of Mystic Jungle, it’s one of Eggman’s base. The controller is there and Eggman left it there since he’s so distracted on his success of conquering the world, he’s laid back and letting his army do the work for him." - So again Eggman is dumb as balls… damnit… why’d he not have keys to his greatest weapon available to him at all times?! At least Rouge isn’t able to easily sneak into his most secure hideout this time… now that would’ve been an total epic failure for him. "Knuckles have gathered recruits and one last comes to the room (The Avatar)." - Again while Sonic is still part of the story… It makes Avatar’s (and Classic Sonic’s) introductions lot less relevant when the despair of losing Sonic has not hit anyone. They still have him & all other heavy hitters (Silver, Blaze ect.) so Avatar feels like useless addition to the pile… I myself wanted to avoid this kind of thing to the last man & put great care on making Avatar’s introduction have weight & importance, with all the heavy hitters taken out of the picture & Sonic’s imprisonment being lot longer, forcing him to become main hero. I think it’s important for the world & the players to feel that this ‘new hero’ is the ray of hope in absolute despair & much needed replacement for Sonic. Or maybe you’re going for more of a “rookie mentored by older Heroes” type vibe, rather than “new hero rises” type? That works just fine, but it has the danger of… Avatar getting overshadowed by all the legacy characters, which has thus far been great problem in your rewrites. I'll just have to wait & see how this turns out... "The BioLizard came out of nowhere (BioLizard boss battle - Tag Team) - I’m assuming it’s Phantom Ruby Illusion? You seem to be intent on keeping this fight in. "Classic Sonic was helping a group of Resistance Troops (who mistaken him for Modern Sonic and they weren’t aware of the mission Modern Sonic is in)" - Again, HOW can they mistake a toddler Sonic for literal young adult Sonic? It’s SA2 all over again! "Tails and The Chaotix (minus Espio) were fighting against three members of the Deadly Boring Six (yellow one, blue one and crazy Purple Guy one)" - Again, weird that you keep having them apart, but it’s fine. More boring boss fights with them that way. Glad to see you’ve kept the Classic Sonic introduction explaining “the other dimension” stuff about the same. Though I’m still waiting for the explanation on WHY he’s here. Does Phantom Ruby have anything to do with it? Does it even have time/space powers? In Mania it certainly seemed to... Maybe summoning Classic Sonic is a secret plan by Infinite to beat Eggman…? Or did he just slip & accidentally use his Phantom Ruby to teleport more enemies for himself…? Hope Classic Sonic does something relevant the very least… "First they’ll focus on the Arsenal Pyramid as it’s the factory creating infinite amounts of Badniks. They’ll sent Sonic, Tails, Amy, Espio and a batch of Resistance troops (including The Avatar) will be sent to destroy it." - If I was in this situation, I’d prolly argue that attacking Death Egg from Space Pearl Prison would have been much more easier & potentially important (they were near it in Space anyway, so why not just attack it from there? Because they needed to retreat to get Shadow ect. safe? Destroying the Egg should be most important, after all, it’s Eggman’s main super weapon… or, don’t tell me that it’s just sitting there as extra battery like in OG game…?

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@75JUNAKI Middle: "Resistance fleet started shooting at Arsenal Pyramid forcing them to also launch an attack back" - Again, where is the resistance fleet coming from? Eggman rules most of the world & resources are scarce, correct? Are they renmants of GUN-fleet? "Chaos 0 comes out of nowhere (just like with the BioLizard) and randomly becomes Perfect Chaos." - I suppose Chaos 0 suddenly becoming Perfect Chaos is okay, considering it is illusion done via Ruby & not real Chaos… this however creates new set of question: what is the limit of Ruby’s illusion powers? Can it make every single one of the illusion/phantom troops into uber powerful 7 Emerald powered tier characters like PChaos? Can it make them even more powerful than that, or this is it’s limit? None of it is real right, so theoretically it could just create anything it pleases, even things stronger than Chaos with 7 Emeralds (Super Perfect Chaos anone?), like for example, could it make dream of infinite (lol) & eternal suffering/pain to trap it’s victims in or some crap? People feel as if the illusions are real & get damaged according to what they see/feel, so could it just make dream world that’s an eldritch horror that inflicts infinite damage on the victim? Sounds too op. Or is it limited into only creating the stuff from it’s victims memories? Like how it pulled at Shadows memories of Black Arms invasion to recreate it? If so, then why can the phantoms have more power than in those memories that they are based off of? But even if this is the case, why are the phantoms of Chaos & Deadly Six seemingly created without anyone’s mind to base them off of…? Were they based on Eggman’s memories, or can Infinite just make any phantom he wants anytime? So many questions that need to be addressed. The stuff with Jascal Squad & Infinite is cool, I like that. It humanizes Infinite quite a bit & gives some needed characterization to him & especially to Jascal Squad, who all were pretty flat in your previous scripts, only having their Smurf-style names. This has workings of real good emotional pay-off, can’t wait to hear how it ends. Though it sucks how Bow & Arrow were easily able to break Eggmans control over Infinite & still wonder how they’ll bring him back… I mean, isn’t that bit weird? Shouldn’t he revert back to his former personality but with Ruby powers? I thought Eggman’s control was the one that changed him…? Or is he somewhat intoxicated by the Ruby & that’s what has changed him, so he wouldn’t want to give the power up even when freed of Eggman? Did I miss something? Also, another question: Why couldn’t Infinite break the thingy himself? Also also, I just thought of something funny: if Jascals names are based on their weapons, wouldn’t that mean that Bow only uses bow & not any arrows, while Arrow uses arrows & has no bow to shoot them…? Does Bow throw Arrow at their enemies as fastball special? XD "Eggman is alerted by Orbot and Cubot on the destruction of Arsenal Pyramid and he got to angry and contacts (so much contacting) Infinite to participate more and take down the Resistance." - That reminds me… have to say that Infinite & Jascals have interacted with our heroes little to not at all, especially now that Sonic’s capture (one of the most important things to keep from OG game in my opinion) is cut out, which is bad… they need more screentime & relevance is all I’m saying, otherwise you’ve done good job with their characterization. What they were doing while they were off-screen during levels would be good to mention for example (winning key battles or something). Was Infinite just coincidentally at Sea Coastline for some other mission, or did Eggman sent him there specifically to deal with Sonic? "Infinite summons giant monsters (those Infinite monsters)." - So Infinite can make illusions of anything he pleases…? Can he just make people believe they fall down bottomless pit forever & win every battle…? "Blaze uses becomes Burning Blaze and Infinite chased her down so he neutralize the Soul Emeralds just like before which he did. Blaze was no longer in her Burning form and was beaten down by Infinite" - The f*ck? I thought you said Sol Emeralds were neutralized as in powerless, not that Infinite needs to deactivate Super Form himself!? But… this means that Blaze could’ve used the Sols before at any point Infinite was not around, meaning that… she could’ve just blown up Death Egg & wasted most of Egg Army before ever encountering Infinite!? Why didn’t she do that!!?? "and he creates a mashup of Perfect Chaos and the BioLizard which became known as Perfect Bio-Chaos." - Cool cool, I can already imagine the design… but we’ve already fought them both a plenty, so unless the boss fight is incredibly distinguished from the two, I‘d say this is repetitive… "They arrived in the flooded Sea Coastline City and see Perfect Bio-Chaos, Shadow tells Classic Sonic that “this is gonna be a great comeback for me I’ll be fighting my older brother” - It’s fake doe, so weird line from Shadow? "Even with the combined efforts of 5 characters it still isn’t enough until more came in" - …why tough? if Infinite is just combining the two & not making them stronger, Sonic & co should be able to deal with them swiftly, considering that base present day Sonic-level Perfect Chaos is much stronger than Bio Lizard (Bio Lizard is tough fight for base Shadow & Sonic in SA2 era, while PChaos needs Super Form to be beaten, so post-Generations era base Sonic & base Shadow could still solo even combination of the two) Infinite then tells there will be replica’s of the Phantom Ruby." - Why’d he reveal that to the resistance so they can find & destroy them later? To make them feel despair…? I wonder if the replicas will go on Jascal Squad… I see no point in that tho, seeing as how Eggman/robots could use it just fine in Mania… "they all fought Infinite but with the Phantom Ruby’s power and them being weakened they lost, they all were unconscious. Infinite laughs at how pathetic they all are and feels like it would be more insulting for them not be destroyed it’s to show how pathetic they are in his eyes and likes to brag of his power and he leaves." - That’s pretty cool, shows how op Infinite is, especially if it’s just him soloing everyone & not even having his phantoms help out. On the other hand, it’s very stupid how he just leaves them alive, but I guess it’s in character that he’s overconfident prick… I mean, sure, he thinks they have a snowballs change in hell to ever defeat him, but… like, why not take them prisoners at least, so they can feel their weakness even harder & be even less of a threat? This is exactly the stupid crap he spared Avatar & Sonic like 3 times for in OG game & got his ass beat for it! "The gang are retreated by a Resistance fleet and taken back to the base." - But the fleet was destroyed by Bio-Chaos? I suppose it was just a portion that was on Sea Coastline then? "Infinite calls Eggman another pathetic and Eggman reminds him of his control over him (he forgot of the control panel and didn’t make another), Infinite says “thanks for the reminder I’ll keep that in mind” in a mocking tone." - Yeah about that… shouldn’t he be free of Eggman’s control now? Didn’t Bow & Arrow tell him they broke the thingy? "Eggman makes Infinite create another mashup a mix of Metal Overload and Time Eater (Time OverLord)" - Yikes, I guess the war’s over, let’s go home. Seriously, with no Super Forms available, resistance is toast, right? Also, if Infinite & Eggman have access to Time Eater, why not resume Eggmans plan to remake history…? It’s not like they can’t because they’re just illusions, because they can effect the real world (Chaos’ flood for example). "Tails is reminded of the Master Emerald and was going to use it for a cannon in the Tornado Steel to power a cannon that’s meant to power Sonic’s spin attack and turn it into a super spin attack." - Like in Sonic X! "They could use the Chaos Emeralds but what if Infinite comes in, something or someone needs to distract Infinite but who they need to distract him first then go fight Time OverLord." - Wait… not only were the Emeralds too usable, but they had collected them all & COULD’VE USED THEM TO DEFEAT EGGMAN AT GIVEN TIME!!?? I’m sorry, this is getting out of hand. Even if they knew that Infinite can (somehow) turn them off, they should’ve used them the day the war started & flown through Death Egg & Egg Armada! Even if Infinite would’ve arrived & neutralized the Emeralds, they could’ve still taken out majority of threats from enemy camp! Like damn, heroes having access to Super Forms at any given time unless the problem is named Infinite just creates all kinds of problems. I really think this is change for worse...

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@75JUNAKI So all in all, there were great improvements such as Infinite & Jascal Squad actually getting something akin to purpose & story-arc which I’m interested on hearing the conclusion of, but you also introduced variety of problems, mainly power-levels of Infinite’s illusions. If he can just fuse these powerful villains no-one has a change against without the Emeralds, Eggman could’ve won the war from day one… Super Forms being in the story usable whenever (unless dealing with Infinite) also breaks the story, what if Infinite is smart & remains vigilantly by the side of Time Overlord, what then? If no-one can use Emeralds on the thing, the war is over! Why Eggman gives the Ruby to Infinite is still an issue & this rewrite lacked Sonic’s imprisonment stuff from your last script that I particularly liked… Classic Sonic being in the present still remains unexplained, I mean sure, you said Ruby has power to time/dimension travel but that raises the question of why doesn’t Infinite seemingly not use it…? Why not make all the illusions caused by time/dimension travel then? Granted, that would have it’s own issues like why Infinite won’t go back in time & kill Eggman or Sonic ect… Also are you gonna add more Classic characters? I thought it was fun concept you had back in your previous rewrite… And lastly, the Avatar… while yes, he’s much more important now, still feels like dead-weight… I hope he’ll do something before the end. I’m also confused on if Infinite was freed from Eggman’s control or not…? Also Time Eater/Metal Overlord mashup is fought before Dark Gaia/Devil Doom mashup you mentioned in the past? Shouldn’t the stronger pair be left last…? Dunno if I preferred the last rewrite more, but problems here are definitely more noticeable… I have to ask, why do you always stop at the middle part…? It would be much more efficient for us both to asses & analyze the full story. For example, it’s really hard for me to give my thoughts on Infinite/Jascal story arc when I don’t know it’s ending, it shows promise for sure, but the ending is what pays it off or doesn’t. I’d appreciate it if instead of immediately rewriting again you’d finish this version of the story & we could talk about it & how to improve it further, if you still wish to, that is. You can add rewrites on separate comment or after the full story is laid out... I'd think that to be more effective... Well, it’s up to you man, I’m just offering my perspective. You decide.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 Oh yee about Dark Doom didn’t realized he just transformed into Devil Doom without it I mean I don’t remember but he did just hold it and dropped the Chaos Emeralds for Shadow to use I may be wrong I forgot. Edit: I feel like I should’ve explained why Eggman Oh yee your right the Jackal Squad’s thoughts on the war makes no sense. Instead of what I said instead It should’ve been I hate how Blade lost himself and became an edgelord with no honor idk.

  • @75JUNAKI
    @75JUNAKI3 жыл бұрын

    This is a copy and paste comment: This is how I personally like Sonic games be made going forward for the 3D Sonic games at least. This was originally an idea for an Sonic Adventure 3 if Sonic Team is planning to make it I wrote it with not as much content as this. There was only Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Eggman in mech and so I was into it and decided to expand upon it and just use it as an my ideal way of making a 3D Sonic game. No all these characters won’t be in one game that’s too much I’d have a Sonic game have maybe 8 characters like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, Ray, Amy, Cream & Cheese and Sticks that’s too much still but idk and then have a Shadow game featuring Team Dark and a Blaze game. Anyways I’ll be organizing in the replies first gameplay each characters other content for future Sonic games.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@75JUNAKI I gotta hand it to you, you really got some ideas, and a lot of them! I especially like the detail you give to each character & how you even talked about extras like promo-art & And of course, Spin-offs are super underrated …I want mah Pirate Sonic Story Book game :’( Tell you what, why not make a video about your ideas for Sonic games? Plenty people have done similar stuff, but that shouldn’t stop you. It would be shame just to relegate all of this to some comment sections, most of this is really good.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Gameplay: Sonic The Hedgehog: Running - At first he starts Jogging for a second but then start running like in the Classic games. Jumping - He can Spin jump, and also spin jump on an enemy and destroy it. Homing-Attack - He can Homing-Attack on an enemy but now there’s a target on the enemy like in the more recent modern games so whatever he targets he Homing-Attack on it, like in a Fan-Game (Utopia) if he targets an enemy from a further distance, Sonic can gain momentum after hitting that enemy but if Sonic’s a bit closer to an enemy so you won’t really gain momentum or not as much. Spin-Dash - Improved Spin-Dash (keep pressing the spin-dash and he’ll gain more speed). Bounce-Attack - Bounce Attack it’s like a Bubble Shield from Sonic 3&K and Mania Plus. Light-Speed Dash - Light Speed Dash allows Sonic to dash through a trail of rings and sometimes can help lead him find hidden goodies or get to high path-way and also it’s a bit slower so if he can stop using the Light-Speed Dash and then Homing-Attack on enemies. Stomp & Slide - Sonic can stomp and slide like in the more modern games. Wall-Jump - can wall-jump on certain levels to either find hidden goodies or get to higher path-way. Also I removed the quick rolling with the fire aura & summersault because I felt they were a bit useless. Miles Tails Prower: Running - Like Sonic you at first Jog for a second but then start running but it’s not as fast as Sonic’s speed. Jumping - Spin jump, and also spin jump on an enemy and destroy it. Homing Attack - Stomp and Slide - Spin-Dash - Fly - Tails can use his tails to fly and also descent as well. Spin-Attack - Tails Spin-Attack which last as long when he had the rhythm badge. Knuckles The Echidna: Running - Like Sonic & Tails you at first Jog for a second but then start running but it’s not as fast as their speed. Jumping - Spin jump, and also spin jump on an enemy and destroy it. Homing Attack - Stomp and Slide - Spin-Dash - Glide and Climb - Digging - Dig into a wall or in the ground and would move around to upper punch an enemy or find an item like a piece of a Master Emerald. Breaking - He can break anything hard like metal boxes, crates or enemies shields. Underwater breathing - With a bracelet can breath underwater without the need for a Bubble Shield. Punching - punch and kick move but he can preform a triple attack which is punch, kick and Slam Wave Attack but it’s only on an enemy with a health bar. Drilling - He can also do a Drill Attack which will shoot them downwards but can now Drill Attack to through ground or wall and it help with the upper cut on the enemy. I removed the sunglasses Mighty The Armadillo: Running - Like everyone else he at first he starts Jogs for a second but then start running like in the Classic games but he’s slightly faster then Tails. Jumping - He can Spin jump, and also spin jump on an enemy and destroy it. Homing-Attack - Stomp and Slide - Spin-Dash - Ground-Pound - He can Ground-Pound on enemies or sections that can lead to a lower path of level (like in Mania Plus). Shell protection - Mighty’s shell can deflect the enemy projectile back to the enemy. Spike protection - In ball form he can protect himself from spikes but after bouncing on them once he’ll jump out of ball form and then get damaged by spikes. Ray The FlyingSquirrel: Running - Like everyone else he at first he starts Jogs for a second but then start running like in the Classic games but he’s slightly faster then Tails. Jumping - He can Spin jump, and also spin jump on an enemy and destroy it. Homing-Attack - Stomp and Slide - Spin-Dash - Glide - He can gain more momentum by going downwards and then flying upwards (like in Mania Plus). Team Rose: Amy Rose: Running - Like the others you at first Jog for a second but then start running but it’s not as fast as Sonic & Tails speed but she can run a bit faster then Knuckles but and almost as fast as Tails. Run-Dash/Hammer Spin - Amy can preform a Run-Dash, Hammer Spin Attack similar to the Super Banana Peel-out from Sonic CD. Homing-Attack - Homing Attack on enemies like everyone else also she uses her hammer. Stomp and Slide - Hammer Slam - Amy can preform a hammer attack, Amy can create a slam wave that can destroy other enemies nearby but not through a wall. Summersault - Cream & Cheese: Running - Like the others you at first Jog for a second but then start running but it’s not as fast as Sonic & Tails speed but she is the same speed as Amy. Jumping - Homing Attack - Stomp and Slide - Spin-Dash - Throw Cheese - She can throw Cheese at enemies Crouch & Crawl - Flying - She can fly with her ears, her flight can last as long as Tails can but can’t carry as much as Tails can since she’s smaller and younger. Sticks The Badger: (if they bother to include her into the main series with a slight redesign) Running - Same speed as Amy Jumping - Homing-Attack - Stomp & Slide - Throwing boomerangs - Boomerang Spin - Idk how to describe it but regular throw just shoots forward while Boomerang Spin spins around Sticks idk. Tangle: Running - Nearly same speed as Sonic Jumping - Homing-Attack - Spin-Dash - Stomp & Slide - Wall-Jump Tail-Grab - She simply grabs enemies with her tail and can swing them around on other enemies or to a wall. Tail whip - She just whips her tail on an enemy. Whisper: Running - Jumping - Homing-Attack - Stomp-Slide - Wispons: Flame Wispon - It shoots fire, fire projectiles (I guess) and fire spin. Cube Wispon - It turns enemies and rings into cubes and it disintegrates them or something. Destroying enemies gives you more rings one gives 5 rings and 5 enemies = 25. Drill Wispon - It doesn’t push you forward just acts like a shield that you put in front of you while moving around. Void Wispon - Just acts the same. Hover Wipson - It pushes enemies, makes you hover a bit and raises you a little. Team Chaotix: Vector The Crocodile: Running - He starts jogging to then run and has the same speed as Knuckles. Jumping - Jumping - Jump in an enemie but can’t roll into a ball nor Spin-Dash. Punching - Just like Knuckles he can punch and kick move but he can preform a triple attack which is punch, kick and Slam Wave Attack but it’s only on an enemy with a health bar. Fire breath - he can melt enemies or breakable walls. Throwing - He can throw enemies at the wall or at another enemy. Homing-Attack - Stomp & Slide - Espio The Chameleon: Running - He can run like everyone else but is slightly faster then Tails. Camouflage - Camouflage for a half minute Throwing - throw a ninja knife Wall-jump - Homing-Attack Charmy Bee: Running - He can’t run he’s always on flight mode but can run as fast as Amy, Cream & Cheese Sting Attack - Use his stinger to hit enemies, and lift them and throw at another enemy. Homing-Attack - Throwing - Like Vector he can pick up enemies and throw at another or to a wall. Big The Cat: Running - As fast as Knuckles Jumping - Normal jumping Homing-Attack - Roll - Body Slam - Fishing Pole Grab & Throw -

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Team Dark: Shadow The Hedgehog: Running - He has the same speed as Sonic. Jumping - Homing-Attack - Spin-Dash - Chaos Spear - He can shoot Chaos Spear onto an enmey with a health bar which onky takes two shoots. Chaos Blast - After destroying many of the enemies he can use Chaos Blast to destroy all enemies on screen. Stomp & Slide - Wall-Jump - Rouge The Bat: Same as Knuckles but small differences running but it’s slightly faster then Knuckes speed - Spin jump - Homing Attack - Stomp and Slide - Spin-Dash - Glide and Climb - Digging - Breaking - Punching - Drilling - Stealth- Similar to Espio she can hide from enemies but only as stealth. (Just copy and paste comment cause I’m lazy) E123 Omega: Running - He’s just as fast as Knuckles. Jumping - He doesn’t go into a ball Stomp - Shooting - He can shoot at enemies like E102 Gamma and Eggman in mech. Shooting charge - Like the Spin-Dash he can charge his shooting for a few seconds and then shoot at enemies at screen and a little further away from the screen. Flying - Like Tails he can fly but similar to Tails tires out to were he hovers a bit. Team Sol or Team Future? Silver The Hedgehog: Running - He’s as fast as Tails. Jumping - His jump height is as same as Tails. Homing-Attack - Stomp & Slide - Spin-Dash - Freeze & Throw - He can freeze enemies using his telequinesis like with Sonic in Sonic 2006. Fly & hover - He can fly like Tails and can last as long but can switch to hovering. Blaze The Cat: Running - Like others is as fast as Sonic. Jumping - Same juno height as Sonic. Stomp & Slide - Spin-Dash - Flame-Spin - She can do a flame spin after jumping. Double-Jump - Marine The Racoon: Running - She’s as fast as Cream & Cheese Jumping - Same jump height as Cream & Cheese Stomp & Slide - Spin-Dash - Laser-Blast - She can shoot lazers out of her hand. Pick & Throw - She can pick and throw enemies at enemies or at a wall. Team Eggman: Dr Eggman in his mech: Running - He can run like in SA2 but with an upgrade the mech can go a bit faster. Hover - He can hover but now it can last even longer. Shooting - He lock on and shoot at enemies, he can shoot charge missiles at multiple enemies, holding the missile attack for a little while will hear up the mech which is a warning that your mech will be damaged so you’ll loose. Shield - His mech has a shield that last for about short time. Arm shoot - Similar to the Death Egg Robot the mech is upgraded to have shooting arms. Metal Sonic: Running - He has the same speed as Sonic. Jumping - Homing-Attack - Spin-Dash - Stomp & Slide - Flying - Kind of like Tails it last slightly longer then Tails flight. Rocket Peel-Out Mecha Sonic: Running - Running - He has the same speed as Sonic. Jumping - Homing-Attack - Spin-Dash - Stomp & Slide - Flying - Same like Metal Sonic Shoots projectiles - I won’t include Robo/Proto Mecha Sonic since I think he’s a prototype version of Mecha Sonic in Sonic 3&K.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Levels Design: - Level’s will have a great mix of plat-forming, speed and exploration. - Exploration a stage will lead you to hidden goodies like an Item Box which there’s Elemental Shields, Regular Green Shield (which this time can bounce the enemies projectile away like with the Elemental Shields), Life Boxes, Invincibility Box, Speed Boxes, 10 Ring Boxes. There hidden Easter Eggs like Big The Cat or Froggy. - The Grind Rails are more a little simpler as the rails go down you gain more speed and getting off of them can give you more speed, you can tilt the characters on the Grind Rails, and you switch to different Grind Rails like in the recent Modern games. - There sections for Knuckles, Amy and Eggman in their levels were they’ll be in a room and have to destroy multiple enemies and a big Robo boss that has a health bar. - Each level has different gimmicks like for example snow boarding, moving platforming, chemical bubbles or a motor boat. - Sky Chase level Gross Yee but it only lasts for like nearly a minute and each time you go into a ship and destroy it and come back to the Tornado and bam finished and btw most of it takes place in a ship. Difficulty show be gradual throughout the game and should not be a big gap from the last level to the one before it. Hub Worlds: It’s an open world designed like Utopia and GreenHill Paradise but not nearly as wide just the more playground like design I mean. There 4 sections north, south, east and west sides and each are different in terms of looks to help know were you are and there’s a compass in the right corner of the screen that shows you were your in. There hub worlds in all zones. There NPC’s you can interact with but more like with World Adventure and there’s missions too. Example convince a guy or girl to have the courage to idk ask to go out with someone on a date, find a lost child maybe in a level, find a missing Chao, find parts to make something random for Tails. Chao Garden: Nothing else to add maybe have a personal Chao for characters like with Cream and maybe customize them idk. Bonus Stages: Hit a checkpoint to get to a Bonus Stage. It’s just like with Sonic 3&K and Mania Plus Original zones: No rehashing older zones maybe a few but only sometimes most should be original and maybe remixes of elements from older zones just like with Mania Plus did. Original soundtrack: I’d go for more Sonic Adventure 1 or Sonic CD direction (environmental tracks). Maybe for some games like Sonic Adventure 2 with it’s more guitar tracks. Save files: Like with Sonic 3&K and Mania Plus it would just takes you to different save of the game but not the levels is the game data like if you clicked on a save it’ll take you to a new game and continuing it you’ll have a world map like Sonic World Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2. Difficulty mode: Easy Mode would well be for more beginners and Hard Mode which would change the level design to be harder for those who’ve already beaten the game and got used to the controls and know the layouts of the levels. Extra content: Music tracks to listen to, concept art, character bios, more detailing on settings, world or idk how things work in what’s introduced in the story. Extra levels to unlock and maybe a new character too. Maybe a fun mini game like the Mania Plus version of Mean Bean Machine and Blue Sphere were it was an unlock-able. For Super forms depending on the game if it’s in the story then you already unlocked it but if the Super form isn’t in the game then just simply collect Red Rings for Super form. As for Hyper I’d say maybe design it to be lighter green (even tho that’ll look very ugly), or silver (idk that’s be boring imo) or have the colors change very slowly. The Hyper form would be already unlocked if the form is in the story but if not then we’ll here’s the 2 or 3 steps I guess. If Super isn’t in the story then Red Ring collection time, Moon Ring thing for Hidden Palace Zone and then Number Rings for getting each Super Emerald in the Hidden Palace Zone and there Hyper form. If Super is in the story then Red Ring for an extra level for Hidden Palace Zone, Moon Rings for Hidden Palace with the Master Emerald and Number Rings for getting each Super Emeralds. You get the Hyper form. Hyper form would used in games story very very rarely like extremely to make them special but that’s my opinion maybe dile back of having them be used extremely rarely so just very rarely. As for the explanation on the Super Emeralds and Hyper form (idk if there is so I’ll elaborate here). Super Emeralds individually are as powerful as all 7 Chaos Emeralds combined and that’s extremely OP. Hyper form I guess could be either x2 of the Super form or to make it worse make it x7 or heck even x10 of the Super form which is extremely scary (for my head cannon it’s x10k decillion of the Super idc it’s my head cannon it’s just for jokes or whatever) but really I’d be just either x2 or x7 which I guess that’s at least somewhat reasonable to me. Everything outside of the game itself well game play and stuff I mean. Graphics: It needs to be better then World Adventure since it’s been like what 11 years or more so no I don’t want it to be as good it’s been so long it’s not an excuse I’m sorry. The presentation matters when it comes to well showing it and World Adventure did an amazing job at it and I want another game just like that. CGI: World Adventure simple as that. Animation: It depends on the tone of a Sonic game but I’ll make a simple category. A fun lighthearted game’s animation would fit for an animation similar to how Sonic was in Reck it Ralph movie (if you seen that movie and if that was it’s title). A more serious tone for a Sonic game would be animated like how it was in Sonic World Adventure and maybe a bit better. Story: Simply it just needs to be well written simple or complex is fine it just needs the key element to make it good or great which is what I said a well written plot, dialogue and faithful character portrayals. It needs to have a good structure like a beginning which sets up the story, Middle which sets up the climax and ending well the climax of the story. Tone: It depends really like a game that tries to have a light hearted tone go be more like Heroes or Battle, for a darker/serious tone go for how SatAM or SA2 handled it (I don’t care much for SatAM but I cannot deny how well written it is). Voices: Similar to the Adventure cast voices cause idk I always like it but have Tails be voiced by a women who can sound like an 8 year old. Character portrayals: Just how’d Adventure 1&2 and Heroes did it. Character designs and art-style: Update the current character Modern Sonic 3D models to be like the 2D renders from SA1&2 the 2D once I mean. Make it more stylized and make it more “cooler” more creative and not flat like the current renders for the more Modern games. I’d say have some 3D renders and 2D renders. For some games use the Riders 2D rendering the once’s with big shadings around the body which I thought was really creative stylized and other games have Battle’s art-style. Back to tone part art-style would vary like lighthearted fun would have brighter colors and the serious once would be a bit darker not too much tho. New characters: Just make the new character that fits in the universe and make the new character unique and well written.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Promotional art material for games: The art-style should be like how it was for SA1&2, Heroes, Advance1-3, Battle, and Riders (the once that comes to my mind). Each art is 2D but the more important I’m taking about is style which is what these art-style have and I want promotional art either 2D or 3D to have that. Improve the current 3D renders with more style not drastic changes but small changes or noticeable once’s that makes a big difference. I want newer 3D art be like how the SA1&2 2D art was. This goes to the box covers, posters or whatever, magazines ect ect. Back to the 2D and 3D renders I was talking about in the art-style from the last comment that applies to here.

  • @75JUNAKI
    @75JUNAKI3 жыл бұрын

    Okay so this may sounds like a weird fan-fic but this was from 2018 (or 2019 but I feel like it was from 2018 when Mania Plus) so 3 years ago. Also there might be some misspellings and such. Btw the character like the new Sonic robot was made from my Sonic 4 Ep3 pitch from like early or mid 2017 when I was in 8th grade in Middle School and btw I made the pitch “in” Middle School like in ELA class or Match and GYM. Rewrite for Sonic Forces but it’s also having a Mania Plus rewrite add on to it since it was made with it in mind. So I’ll first do the Mania Plus rewrite then onto Forces as Forces is a sequel to Mania Plus (said Mania Plus x3) so the things originally in my other Forces rewrite will change and will include more characters from Mania Plus. It’ll be weird as there’s another character who’s one of the main villain, is a new Sonic robot character and it’s gonna be powered up by the Phantom Ruby and also use the Super Emeralds to become a powerful Sonic robot that’s x100 more powerful then of Hyper Sonic (yee an idea from like 2018 or 2019 I don’t remember). For Mania Plus game & Mania Plus story rewrite I’ll do gameplay first, then level design, extras then the biggest part of this comment the story (I said the biggest part cause writing the story is wayyyy longer talking about it then all the other stuff). Mania Plus: Gameplay - Sonic The Hedgehog: Has the Super-Banana Peel-Out (with a boost aura protection), Insta-Shield and the Drop Dash. Wall-Jump, Swift Kick, Round-House kick that sends parts of the Badnik to hit another Badnik or to a wall. Miles Tails Prower: He’s able to fly and Tail-Spin in the air to destroy an enemy and still fly. descend by the press of the button. Tails-Spin to destroy an enemy. Has Fake Rings he’d throw at enemies, it has a flat color to tell the difference between a regular ring. Ray The Flying-Squirrel: Can fly, Stomp, Wall-Run, Pick up Badnik and throw at another. Amy Rose: Hammer-Spin, Hammer-Slam (and jump from a higher ground can create a ground pound that sends shock waves that destroys ground Badniks), Hammer Summersault and then Hammer Spin-Dash (activated like Sonic’s Super Banana Peel-Out and then acts like the Spin-Dash) and can pick up Badnik and throw at another. Mighty The Armadillo: Ground-Pound, Shell Protection, Punch, Wall-Punch (which can break walls), Swift-Kick & Round-House Kick, Wall-Jump and can pick up Badnik and throw at another. Knuckles The Echidna: Glide & Climb, Climb-Dash (which I believe is one of his G.B Advance abilities), Shell Protection, Punch, can break through walls, and can pick up Badnik and throw at another. Metal Sonic: Same as regular Sonic but doesn’t have the Swift Kick, Round-House kick but he does have Temporary Electric Aura like in Sonic CD, able to break Spikes with it’s Electric Shield and Temporary Burst Shield like in Mania Plus fight. Shields: Standard-Shield: It can deflect projectiles. It changes color depending on who is used, like for example Sonic has a blue colored shield, Tails shield is his fur so Orange, Ray is yellow, Amy is pink, Mighty is darker red & Knuckles is red and Metal Sonic is darker blue. Elemental Shields: Sonic & Amy and Metal Sonic can preform abilities by pressing another button. Levels: Each Zone is big like 3&K and Mania Plus, 2 Zones with a boss battle and some interact in levels like the machine in Lava Reef Zone, has 3 Big Rings in hidden areas of the levels and has 3 elements that the levels are designed with (platforming, speed and exploration). Zones: 1. Forest Yard Zone 2. Tunnel Temple Zone 3. Press Garden Zone 4. Jungle Tower Zone 5. Atlantic Ruins Zone 6. Mirage Saloon Zone 7. Studiopolis Zone 8. Molten Fortress Zone 9. Chemical Waste Land Zone 10. Tubular Road Zone 11. Egg Eagle Zone 12. Hidden Palace Zone (3&K but full level with 2 acts) 13. Titanic Monarch Zone 14. Death Egg Mk II (or Mk III?) Zone 15. Capital Oven (Oven as a joke with the egg being boiled) Zone 16. Phantom Realm Zone 17. Null Space Zone Encore Mode: Just different color pallet (but not having ugly colors with examples like Metallic Madness Zone and Titanic Gross-arch Zone). Bonus Stage: Mania Plus Pin-Ball, Casino Pinball (thing) were you can collect Rings, Shields and Continues. Another Bonus Stage is the CD Special Stage but far easier and you can choose to chase whatever UFO that carries 10 Rings, Shields and Continues. Special Stage: Mania Mode & Encore Mode Extra’s: 3&K Bonus Stage is in the Extra’s menu instead of the Bonus Stage and everything else is the same with the extra’s and such. There’s 10 Saves Slots instead of 8 Save Slots. The Classic characters sprite are Mania Plus but with elements from Sonic 3&K with it’s mouth, Sonic’s quills and shoes. The Item Boxes, Check Points and such are also designed based from 3&K but with Mania Plus style and coloring. Story: (After the events of Generations) Classic Eggman (I’m not sure how’d he get out of the white void) was on a search for the Phantom Ruby, he found it in Molten Fortress Zone (just called that which was just a volcano place at the time) and he uses it to powers a new Sonic robot to be exactly like Sonic from looks with it’s design and color pallets and abilities (not like Metal Sonic & Mecha Sonic). Classic Metal Sonic wasn’t happy that Classic Eggman created the new Sonic robot and grew hatred for it. Classic Eggman then launches his army of Badniks and ships to Angle Island to steal the Master Emerald once again. Classic Sonic, Tails, Amy and Ray chased them down, they arrived on Angle Island. The Sonic robot already stole the Master Emerald from the Hidden Palace Zone and Knuckles chased it down. Classic Sonic and co crossed paths with Knuckles & Mighty (who was on Angle Island Zone like in Mania Adventures 3 DX Directors Cut Battle Edition) and they head to find all the Chaos Emeralds and get back the Master Emerald. The robot Sonic uses the power of the Phantom Ruby to transform the Egg Robo’s (the once’s from Sky Sanctuary and also what are they called that?) into the Hard Boil Heavies, they’re sent to find the Chaos Emeralds and destroy to Classic Sonic and co. Classic Sonic and co went through 11 different zones, got all 7 Chaos Emeralds and fought the Hard Boil Heavies and even Classic Metal Sonic and Mecha Sonic. Classic Metal Sonic survived the battle with Classic Sonic. Metal Sonic then went after the new Sonic robot. The robot Sonic decides to bring back the Master Emerald to Hidden Palace Zone and lure Classic Sonic and co in. Classic Sonic and co arrived in Hidden Palace Zone and the robot Sonic surprise attack Classic Sonic and co and took the Chaos Emeralds and transformed them into Super Emeralds. Btw individual Super Emeralds are just as powerful as all 7 Chaos Emeralds combined. The Nexus Sonic robot thing transformed into a weird version of Hyper Sonic that kept the blue fur but it’s darker and drier (if that make sense), and it’s x100 stronger then Hyper Sonic’s thanks to the Phantom Ruby. It destroyed the Hidden Palace Zone and Classic Sonic and co escaped and the Super Emeralds (which they floats around) also comes along and carries the Master Emerald. Classic Sonic and co went onto the Tornado and head into the Titanic Monarch Zone (it’s a very big ship that carries a big Death Egg robot looking thing). They fought and defeat the Heavy King, they found a ship that leads into the Death Egg Zone Mk II (or Mk III?). The Death Egg Mk II Zone has a city like Titanic Monarch Zone with having a city (kind of). They head through the zone, and into the Capital Tower Zone (which is in the Death Egg Mk II Zone). They fought a powered up Heavy King and defeated it with difficulty. Classic Sonic and co confront the weird overpowered Sonic robot and Classic Eggman, the weird Sonic robot teleported Classic Sonic and co to “his world” the Phantom Realm Zone. Classic Metal Sonic followed them into the portal to fight it. Getting through 2 acts and they finally went face to face, with only Classic Sonic going Hyper. Hyper Classic Sonic vs weird overpowered Sonic robot, Hyper Sonic hits the exposed Phantom Ruby and won. The weird Sonic robot exposed it’s creepy myst face which has magenta lizard pupils and 1st form Dark Gaia mouth with myst coming out of it’s mouth which is also magenta color. It grew longer limbs (not organic it’s still a robot) and it’s hunched forward. It creates a portal to Null Space and the 7 characters (including Classic Amy & Classic Metal Sonic) and fights against the creepy Sonic robot. The Hyper Classic characters used the Hyper Boost (the thing the trio did in Forces finale battle) and won. The body disappeared and the Phantom Ruby creates a portal that dragged all 6 characters (minus Classic Metal Sonic who quickly flies away). The Phantom Ruby and Classic gang went through a portal and into Sonic Forces they go.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Sonic Forces rewrite - Comic book story: Rise of Infinite: (On a mountain in the west side of the Mystic Jungle Zone) Outside of Eggman’s base, a portal opened up and comes in The Phantom Ruby and the 6 Classic gang. Eggman watches the security video playing the events. The Classic gang circles around the Phantom Ruby, it floats and teleports them to Quartropolis. It then drops on a floor and Eggman comes out of the base (in his Eggmobile) and picks up the Phantom Ruby, he wonders why that happened and what the gem stone is. As he picks it up he sees a vision of the entire events of Mania Plus & Knuckles. There was a lot to take in and Eggman then went back in the base to study the Phantom Ruby. (3 days later) He’s collected so much data on the Phantom Ruby. Facts of the Phantom Ruby: - The Phantom Ruby was powerful but not compare to the Chaos Emeralds. After being powered up by the Super Emeralds it became an extremely over powered gem stone until it was hit by 7 Hyper characters so it became far less powerful, it is 1/10 of it’s full power. It’s back to being less powerful then the Chaos Emeralds but is stronger then the original power. It just needs to recharge for like 3 years or 4 since it was extremely overpowered gem. - It was originally buried in Molten Fortress Zone but was drugged up by Classic Eggman. - It’s sentient mind inside the gem stone. - It’s an ancient gem stone that existed before the known beginning era’s of earth, it was created by a cult and was formed in a ritual were it brought out the darkness from Dark Gaia to poured into the Phantom Ruby, but in tern removed all life forms on the planet (including the cult). That millenniums ago before the newer life like the Dinosaurs and after came in after. Phantom Ruby’s power after it was powered up by the Super Emeralds: - The Phantom Ruby can create a dream state were in a persons mind about anything. - The Phantom Ruby can create physical copies of existing person and monsters however it takes a lot of energy from the Phantom Ruby (especially in it’s current state) depending on how powerful a being is like for example Super Sonic, the Phantom Ruby can recharge it’ll only take like a week. - It can teleport people random stuff (not buildings in it’s current state) and itself to different locations. - It can power up people and machines like the Egg Robo’s in his vision (what are they called again?). - If being hit by someone like the Classic Hyper gang can cause it to go haywire that teleports to any other dimension or timeline. - It can neutralize the gems like the Chaos Emeralds which will give Eggman the advantage over Sonic and co (the robot Sonic didn’t need to do it cause it was already x100 stronger then Hyper Classic Sonic, the Classic Hyper gang just got a lucky shot by hitting the exposed Phantom Ruby). The Phantom Ruby is “again” far far far weaker in it’s current state but it can still be useful. Eggman is excited as he can use the Phantom Ruby to neutralize gem stones like the Chaos Emerald and power up any of his robots to take over the world. After studying the Phantom Ruby, he builds a battle mech (similar to E123 Omega) named EV10.Fist for an experiment. It was successful as the robot is pretty powerful. The base was invaded by the Jackal Clan lead by Blade The Jackal but Eggman isn’t worried as he’s more annoyed so he sends his mech. Blade calls for Eggman as he wants to join him and become part of the Eggman Empire. Eggman (flying over them in his Eggmobile) is interest as he wants to know why they want to join him. Blade explains that and his clan respects for how dedicated he is in his goals, he’s created armies of Badniks, battle ships and a space station (yee Star Wars A New Hope that the Sequel Trilogy gets erased joke). Blade then explains who he is and his clan. Blade is an honorable leader of the Jackal Caln, he’s skilled with his Crimson Blade and favors skill over power, hates humiliation, likes about others having dedication and creating something like Badniks and fleets as he said before. The Jackal Clan is simply a small clan that was made 18 years ago when Blade was 27. The Jackal civilization were once violent until they were almost extinct, the Jackal government decided to lead them forward as a peaceful civilizations. Blade (once named Kota and yee that’s his original name) didn’t like that and rally up a small clan, they then secretly wiped out the Senators and then was chased down by the Jackal Senator guards, they escaped and left the Jackal Civilization from the Cliff Biome City. The Jackal Clan then named themselves after their individual weapons. Eggman was weirded by Blade whole thing with honor, something he constantly talks about. He tells Blade that honor doesn’t mean anything, no one else but himself cares for it, power is key and just skill alone means nothing. Blade (in denial and trying to make excuses) tells Eggman that it’s their problem and doesn’t understand it and how it makes a person respectful towards others, he sees power as a flaw for a person to forget their own strength and will become physically weaker because of it after relying too much on power, plus he doesn’t just like power in general and doesn’t see the appeal of it. So Blade goes back to the whole wanting to partnering with him. Eggman still not truly convince so he decides to test their loyalty by giving them a task. He tasks the Jackal Clan to find and try to attack one of G.U.N HQ “in the glory for the Eggman Empire”, and the next night they do just that.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Comic book story: Rise of Infinite: continued At night they head near one of the G.U.N HQ and Blade makes up a plan, he then sends out Bow & Arrow secretly, they head inside the HQ to learn the layouts of the building and outside so they can go back to the other clans and then strategize and then attack them. Bow & Arrow disguised in a black suit (similar to Rouge in SonicX 2003 anime), they head into a vent that leads through the building, they looks over the vents bars and see different rooms, they dropped into a room and took down a few soldiers using an bow & arrows. Arrow checks the computer and learns of the mapping of the HQ, they used the security system to go against the G.U.N soldiers, then destroyed them. They got out the HQ building and into the battle yard (idk what’d it’s called with the lined up soldiers, weapons and ships). They used a tank to attack the G.U.N soldiers and the HQ building and almost got caught to escaping. Alert was set and G.U.N soldiers were trying to find whoever was responsible. Bow & Arrow then arrived back in a cave were the rest of the clan were. The Jackal Clan then surprise attack the G.U.N HQ, they are successful in their mission and so they head back to Eggman base. G.U.N commander (by the name of Nick, wait was their a info on a new G.U.N commander?) was alerted of the surprise attack and he sends G.U.N troops and ships to find out who’s responsible. (Back in Mystic Jungle Zone, Eggman’s base) Eggman congrats the Jackal Clan and they’re now trusted. G.U.N has found one of Eggman’s base in Empty Canyon Zone, they send Team Dark and a few ships of soldiers to attack it out. When G.U.N attacks the base, Eggman’s security from the Empty Canyon Zone base informs him, so Eggman sends the Jackal Clan and a ship of Badniks to fight against G.U.N. The Jackal Clan arrives but the G.U.N army already destroyed half of the base. Blade faces off against Shadow and he pulls out his Crimson Blade and says “The Ultimate Life-Form, I fight for honor and the Eggman Empire, what do you fight for?”. Shadow tells him “I fight to protect this planet, nothing more”. Blade tells Shadow to show his skill in combat, Shadow doesn’t care and quickly takes down Blade (not like how he did originally in Shadow DLC but more of just kicking his sword out of his hand then round house kick but nothing that badly injures Blade). Shadow tells Blade to stop working for Eggman and just abandon him, Blade is infuriated as Shadow was not giving a chance to fight and felt humiliated. The Jackal Clan retreat with a Badnik ship, G.U.N army chases them down as some soldiers realized it’s the same people who destroyed one of their base. The Badnik ship has managed to escape. (Back to the Eggman’s Mystic Jungle Zone base) Eggman is pretty angry at the Jackal Clan for their failure, Blade is more upset of what Eggman says before “He tells Blade that honor doesn’t mean anything, no one cares for it other then him” and that thought starts to grow overtime. (3 months later) Blade hasn’t believing in honor and skill as much as before, the other members of the clan are concerned for him and they don’t want Blade to loose himself. Bow puts her hand on his shoulder and tells him that it doesn’t matter what others think or is, he is who all about honor, that’s what he believes and should stay true to himself. Blade ponders on it but then is distracted in what Eggman’s experimenting on, it’s some magenta colored gem stone. Eggman explains to him about what it is, he is creating copies (which most aren’t as strong, maybe 1/3 of the rubies power which the Phantom Ruby itself (currently) is already 1/10 of the full power from the Classic dimension. Blade becomes very interested in it and it’s lore and how there was a version of Eggman that’s younger who created a Sonic robot that was powered by the Phantom Ruby and the whole battle with the Hyper Classic gang. Eggman went to study and creating an almost perfect clone (one were there’s no sentient monster in it) and trying to learn how to repeat the exact same process to make more perfect clone. The Phantom Ruby (being a sentient monster) sees Blade through it’s glass tube. When Eggman left it teleports to Blade who is shocked and falls back, the Phantom Ruby is more interested in more organic body and feed off of an living organism (like Blade) so it can regrew it’s power to 100% faster maybe in a year instead of 2 or 3. It wants to regain it’s full power so it can work with Eggman to finally finish it’s goal. It telepathically talks to Blade, offering him power and enforcing the thought of how honor, skill is nothing and power is everything. All of that got to Blade and finally goes against his ideals truly and is now wanting to wield power. The Phantom Ruby implants itself on Blade’s chest and Blade feels the power overflowing through his body, he now wields the power of the Phantom Ruby is capable in using it. Eggman is unaware as he’s studying and creating a almost perfect Phantom Ruby copy. Blade informs the clan of the powers he now wields, they were shocked at Blade as he went against his own ideology. Blade says he’s convinced that his earlier beliefs meant nothing and power means everything and so he renown himself as new. Bow tells Blade that he just ignored what she said before, she questions him by saying “is what I said meant nothing and he doesn’t care?”. Arrow new that was gonna happen but was hoping it wouldn’t. Axe didn’t want him to wield power, he liked the Jackal Clan didn’t have special abilities and were more weapons based and he was the strong type and used his axe. Dagger (being the second most skilled clan member) looked at him as a brother but now felt like he lost him. Everyone else was just disappointed. Eggman finds out that the Phantom Ruby attached itself to Blade after finishing his studies with the cloning process, he’s infuriated at him and a week later made a machine to separate the Phantom Ruby from Blade but isn’t successful. The Phantom Ruby was fighting against the machine so it doesn’t get out of Blades chest. Eggman then studies the Phantom Ruby (you already know on Blade’s chest) to understand why it attached itself to him. Blade informs him that the Ruby willingly chooses to attach itself to him because it convinced him to change his ideals he now embraces the power. The Jackal Clan hated seeing Blade like this but they decide to stay with him, hoping to convince him overtime to change back to his old ways.

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    Sonic Forces rewrite- Eggman’s reigns of the world: The main G.U.N HQ has found Eggman’s base in Desert Bottom Zone with the Badnik Factory. They sent out Team Dark and ships of soldiers to attack it. Eggman founds out thanks to the factories security and sends the Jackal Clan. Omega faces off against Dagger, Axe and Pickaxe, Rouge against Bow & Arrow and Shadow against Blade. Omega is taken down when Pickaxe stabbing it’s head, Axe slashes it’s arm and Dagger stabbing it’s core. Rouge is defeated when Bow use her rope that grabs her leg, Arrow round house kicking Rouge in the head and both taking her down. Shadow tried to saved the others but Blade punches Shadow and kick him in the face. Blade then uses his powers to blast Shadow, Shadow uses Chaos Spear but Blade is unaffected and teleports Shadow to the roof and flies to blast Shadow while he falls. Blade grabs the weakens Shadow and lifts him up, face to face he tells him that thanks to him he’s changed his ways and and all that lead up to his growth in power and Shadow has not idea what he’s even talking about as he doesn’t even remembered much as it was quick fight with him before. Blade then swings Shadow around and throws him and then uses the Phantom Cubes to hold Shadow in place. Blade takes care of the G.U.N soldiers and the ships. Dagger contacts Eggman in their success and even captured Team Dark with Eggman in joy of hearing it and that Blade with the power of the Phantom Ruby was a great idea. Blade was relishing in Shadow’s defeat and feels that he’s reached a far greater level, with his change of ideals and increase his power he renown himself as Infinite as he no longer needs his Crimson Sword he’d abandoned (Dagger has it btw but it’ll be talked about later in the main game pitch) (2 days after) Eggman then uses 2 perfect Phantom Ruby clone and creates Perfect Bio Chaos which is a combination of Perfect Chaos and Bio Lizard. Infinite & Perfect Bio Chaos destroyed the main G.U.N HQ. (1 month later) Eggman launched an army of Badniks, 5 Death Egg Robots which are lead by Infinite to conquer the world. Eggman then sends Infinite and the Jackal Clan to the Lost Hex (Infinite using his teleportation powers), to enslave the Deadly (Boring, stereotypical and uninteresting) 6. They do just so and Infinite actually does the work done in about seconds while the other members of the clan do nothing but watch in sadness at Infinite who just doesn’t work along side him. The Deadly (Boring, stereotypical and uninteresting) 6 are now slaves that work for the Eggman Empire. Mecha Sonic, Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles and newly build robot name Mighty Metal (based off of Mighty the Armadillo). Mecha Sonic was sent to Angle Island to steal the Master Emerald and capture Knuckles the Echidna. Metal Trio (Metal Sonic, Mighty & Knuckles) finds and gathered the 7 Chaos Emeralds and give them to Eggman to keep it in the Death Egg Mk3 (Mk2 was from 4Ep2 which for this rewrite Ep2 ending is were Death Egg Mk2 exploded and Little Planet was freed) and btw Eggman just keeps them there along with the Master Emerald. Eggman keeps the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emeralds in the Death Egg Mk3 to maybe use them for anything. There are people who are fighting against Eggman. List Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower, Ray, the FlyingSquirrel, Mighty the Armadillo, Amy Rose, Gemeral, The Chaotix and different armies from around the world. They don’t succeed due to the large army from the Eggman Empire.

  • @Marionic9001


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@75JUNAKI Oh hi, I was just about to ask if you were coming back! Sry, replying late, been busy! It seems you have some more interesting ideas again for Mania as well. "main villain is a new Sonic robot character and it’s gonna be powered up by the Phantom Ruby and also use the Super Emeralds to become a powerful Sonic robot that’s x100 more powerful then of Hyper Sonic" - That sounds overpowered as all hell. I wonder how could Sonic & friends beat such thing? "After being powered up by the Super Emeralds it became an extremely over powered gem stone until it was hit by 7 Hyper characters so it became far less powerful, it is 1/10 of it’s full power." - Which would mean that it's still strong as all seven emeralds, if it's 10/10 is even remotely close as strong as all the Super Emeralds, since you stated that each one is strong as 7 emeralds. That would mean all Super Emeralds = 49 Emeralds. That divided by 10 makes 1/10 Ruby equal to equal to all 7 Emeralds still, which to be honest, makes no sense if 100 Hyper Sonic's would be needed to equal it. Also if it can make robot x100 hyper sonic, they’d need 100 hyper characters to take it down anyway, so how the hell did they even manage to hurt the robot with it? Classic Hyper gang just getting a lucky shot by hitting the exposed Ruby sounds like incredibly lame excuse for it to be defeated. All in all, I like some stuff you got here, Super Emeralds, SA style level design & Tails’ fake rings in particular, those would make great additions to Mania style game with multiple characters. All the movesets are fine. It’s always nice to see you add them as well. It being prequel to Forces is nice idea too, explains little why the Classic characters end up there. "It’s sentient mind inside the gem stone." - Interesting, but you’re falling to the same trap of poorly defined over complication as the actual game. How did this sentience come about? Is there a purpose behind it? If it’s based on Dark Gaia, why it has powers that have nothing to do with it? Honestly, illusions/time shenanigans bring Mephiles to mind more than anything… It being connected to Dark Gaia is... interesting, but not particularly effective, considering it was one of the more generic ‘Monster of the Day’ type villains in the series, & not even particularly powerful either… Origins for the Jascal squad/clan is fine. I like the characterization you gave them more than in previous versions, as these are more detailed, though I have to wonder how they can match Omega & Rouge without any special abilities. Still, pretty cool. Infinite getting the ruby is at least more justified with him having shown prior relationship with Eggman's forces & proven himself capable (though half a year still seems short for the time for him to just trust him completely) also, Eggman could still just use machine to use the Ruby for him, especially because in Classic World a Robot could use it perfectly. Eggman should still trust his own robots more. Eggman creating copies of ruby is even more far fetched here than in OG game, especially now that the gem is sentient (or at least gets it’s powers from sentient consciousness). That seems weird to me, you’d think the ruby he’d make would lack the power of the original since it lacks sentience "Phantom Ruby is more interested in more organic body and feed off of an living organism (like Blade) so it can regrew it’s power to 100% faster maybe in a year instead of 2 or 3." - Organic bodies in sonic output more energy than emeralds now…? That doesn’t sound like it makes sense. The Team Dark portion is fine cool that they get to interact with Jascal Squad. The part with Infinite using his illusion/time powers on Shadow is sorely missed though. "Eggman then uses 2 perfect Phantom Ruby clone and creates Perfect Bio Chaos which is a combination of Perfect Chaos and Bio Lizard. Infinite & Perfect Bio Chaos destroyed the main G.U.N HQ. (1 month later)" - Wait, it cuts to 1 month later? What happened to Bio Chaos? Was it recalled by Infinite or defeated? If it wasn’t, shouldn’t it have flooded the entire world by now? "btw Eggman just keeps them there along with the Master Emerald. Eggman keeps the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emeralds in the Death Egg Mk3 to maybe use them for anything." - Which means he just wins. Those were the stakes of Sonic 2-3, if Death Egg gets all 7, planet is robotized. Weird that he wouldn’t use them if he has them, I know he has the Ruby, but he can just auto-win much easier by using the emeralds. - I really liked your previous pitch, it had consistency & pretty tight plot (albeit with some problems, but nothing’s perfect). I’d say your last one had pretty much everything figured out so that one’s the one I had been hoping you to continue. I suppose these ideas can still work alongside those ones, but little bit of retconning is needed. Are you planning to type out the ending for your Sonic Forces pitch anytime in the future? Otherwise, Keep it up!

  • @75JUNAKI


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Marionic9001 I think i have some of these answered in the main Sonic Forces rewrite that’s still going on, gonna fix a few things here to like you said. Also Perfect Bio-Chaos still there helping the empire and such.

  • @deadtheories4170
    @deadtheories41702 жыл бұрын

    Why the audio lauder in the left

  • @jesse1794
    @jesse17943 жыл бұрын

    Why does the voice over audio only play in the left ear

  • @charmanemunroe7449
    @charmanemunroe74493 жыл бұрын

    It was good

  • @berencool
    @berencool4 жыл бұрын

    how does this have so little views

  • @charmyzard


    3 жыл бұрын

    Probably because you can only hear the left side of the audio. Otherwise I wonder the same thing.

  • @kenpoarniceguy1
    @kenpoarniceguy13 жыл бұрын

    Sonic acting less like a meme and more of a real character. Get rid of Classic Sonic. And Tails stop being such a stupid useless pansy like the creators. Oh yeah, and Avatar needs real lines
