Leon Thomas-PLW(528hz Heal DNA Clarity & Peace of Mind)

Copyright Disclaimer: As the producer of this video, I do not claim any credit for the audio playing in this video; and I DO NOT own any rights to the music playing in this video. If the original artist of the audio in this video does not wish for his/her music to be in this video, please contact Regin8926@yahoo.com and I will take the video down quick.
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432hz & other frequencies like 528hz,417hz,639hz,741hz,852hz,396hz,
Our The frequencies of the universe that 💫 make you relaxed, & it keeps you in a positive state, rather than the negative 440hz that keeps us in a negative mood. I convert songs of every genre of music, so stay tuned ! Peace & love
We know that everything is vibration and how as humans we are heavily influenced by sound, and in particular music.Musical frequencies have the ability to either raise or lower our vibrations which affects our mood, our connections with others around us, and our ability to raise our consciousness.In the 1930s the Rothchilds and the other ‘elite’ families of the World decided to weaponise music.The healing and peaceful standard vibrational frequency was taken away and replaced by the 440 frequency.Using this ensured that we became conduits for negative distorted energy.Music at 432hz has a light, natural,healing feel to it.It makes you feel alive.At 440hz we are pulled down into a dark vibrational frequency which is where the Everything is done to keep us in a low vibration which is why we live in a World of reliving negativity and suffering.They feed from our fear and negativity so what better way than to infuse negativity into music?You can just feel the evil undertones & much of it is now completely sexualised with promotion of violence and materialism.
