Lee Collin Vs Daan Dono Van Der Steen


8Limbs Vs Multifight
- 8FL
N-Class Fight Recap:
Watch the heavyweight clash between Lee Collin and Daan Dono Van Der Steen at the 8 Fight League, sponsored by Booster Fight Gear and Victrol!
This high-stakes bout showcased the power and skill of both fighters. Check out the highlights to witness their impressive performances and subscribe for more intense action from the 8FL event!
00:00 Daan Dodo Van Der Steen
00:37 Lee Collin
01:26 Round 1
03:10 The winner is...
#LeeCollin #DaanDonoVanDerSteen #8FightLeague #BoosterFightGear #Victrol #Kickboxing #MartialArts #FightRecap #NClassFight #120kgDivision

