Lecture 5|Most important questions from

In the lecture, understand what is #upsc asking from #fauna and #Environment and how to prepare fauna for prelims examination.
The peaks of the Eastern and Western ghats which are important from the Eaxam Perspective are discussed in the video. You will get to know about #otter including Himalayan Otter, Small Clawed Otter. You will also get to know #leopard , #Gharials and their Habitat and Habits.
This is part 5 of the series Sure Shot Prelims and more lectures with focus on prelims will be provided to keep aspirants on track. The questions are also beneficial for UPPCS and Other state exams.
@WordsmithIAS is bringing the course ' Sure Shot Prelims' where we will be discussing many topics which are most probable for prelims 2024. We will be discussing topics like map questions, places in the news and important flora and fauna among others. In this course, we will also discuss important topics related to economy, polity and environment.
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