LD Expert: Take the stone out of the shoe.

It really upsets me when I hear people just dismiss struggles with dyslexia or learning disabilities with an “Oh well, she’s going to have to learn to live with it.” Or, “He just needs to try harder.”
Do you know how unfair that is?
Imagine for a minute that you are a really talented soccer player. And you go out to play soccer, but you have a stone in your shoe.
So the coach takes you aside and gives you accommodations and special lessons for running with a stone in your shoe, and then puts you back in the game.
Well, even though you have tons of potential, and you’ve had accommodations and special lessons for running with a stone in your shoe, it’s still going to be harder for you than your teammates.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to just take the stone out of the shoe?
The brain research proves that with frequent and targeted training the brain can develop new neuropathways to process information more effectively. Decades of clinical evidence back that up.
It is just not true that bright children and adults are destined to live with the struggles associated with dyslexia and other learning and attention challenges.
I’m very excited to announce that my newest book, Take the Stone Out of the Shoe, A Must-Have Guide to Understanding, Supporting and Correcting Dyslexia, Learning, and Attention Challenges is now out on audio as well as paperback and Kindle.
If you’re the parent or teacher of a struggling student, check it out on Amazon. You’ll find a whole new understanding of what you and your child are going through and what can be done to change that permanently.
📕 "Take the Stone Out of the Shoe" is available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook! Buy now on Amazon: www.amazon.com/Take-Stone-Out...
