Laura's (Interpreting Intern) Intro

Hello, hello. My name is Laura. I don’t have a name sign yet.
Why did I join Signs of Fun Camp? For starters, the name of the camp, Signs of Fun! I want to have fun, right?!? Signs of Fun Camp is close to my home, giving me the opportunity to provide access, support, and more to people in my local community.
What’s my camping experience? Honestly, I haven’t been to camp in years. I don’t know how old I was when I went to camp, maybe 11 or 12 years old, I don’t know. Although it’s been a while, that experience at camp is something that left such a good memory and a time I will never forget. I enjoyed it so much. I tried so many new things. I met and hung out with so many new people and even played games I have never played before.
What are my hopes for this year’s camp? To provide accessibility and support; To interact and socialize; To learn as much as possible; To try new things; To have adventure; To meet so many new people. THAT!
Who am I? I’m a mom. I have two kids, ages 5 and 11. We like to go outside, we’re always outside. I enjoy hiking, swimming, running, I really enjoy running. Really, I just love to get my body moving, it’s really a passion of mine. Yea, so that’s me. See you soon! BYE!!!

