Lash By Lash - Spawn of Possession Full Cover


I wasn't intending to post this one but I decided I might as well, even if it's super sloppy because I'm almost out of time to record these songs lol. I think other than Solemn They Await, Lash is definitely the trickiest SOP song I've learned mainly because of that arpeggio section in the middle that just absolutely sucks to memorize. The super fast riffs aren't very fun either but I tried my best! enjoy!
Instagram: @joeyets
#spawnofpossession #techdeath #metal #brutaldeathmetal #newstandardelite #technicaldeathmetal #uniqueleaderrecords #severedsavior #gorgasm #analstabwound #defeatedsanity #malignancy #espguitars #necrophagist

