Laravel Lession #3 | Basic & parameterized Routing in Laravel | Ultimate Guide & Tips 2023

Basic Routing & parameterized Routing in Laravel | Laravel For Beginners | Full Laravel Course Laravel
Routing is a fundamental concept in web development, and Laravel makes it incredibly powerful and easy to work with. Hashtags can be a game-changer when it comes to optimizing your website's SEO and enhancing user navigation.
In this video, we'll cover:
An introduction to Laravel routing and its importance in web applications.
How to set up a Laravel project if you're new to the framework.
1. What is route ?
2. How to create route ?
3. How to use route with controller ?
4. How to use route with hyperlink ?
5. How to pass parameter in route ?
Tips and best practices for clean and maintainable routing code.
#laravel10 #laravellatest #tricks #routing #laravelrouting

