Laravel Lession #16 | How to create Custom Artisan Command in Laravel | Ultimate Guide & Tips 2023

In Laravel, Creating a custom Artisan command in Laravel allows you to add custom functionality to your Laravel application's command-line interface (CLI). This can be particularly useful for automating tasks, running scheduled jobs, or performing various other actions. In this example, we'll create a custom Artisan command called custom:command with keywords and a description.
Here are the steps to create a custom Artisan command with keywords and a description:
Step 1: Create the Command: You can use Laravel's Artisan command to generate a new custom command. Open your terminal and run:
Command= php artisan make:command CustomCommand
This command will create a new file at app/Console/Commands/CustomCommand.php.
Step 2: Define the Command Logic: In the generated CustomCommand.php file, you can define your custom command logic in the handle method. This method will be executed when you run your custom command.
Step 3: Register the Command: Next, you need to register your custom command in the app/Console/Kernel.php file. Add your command to the $commands array like this:
protected $commands = [
// ...
Step 4: Run the Custom Command: Now, you can run your custom Artisan command with keywords and a description:
php artisan custom:command --keyword=mykeyword
In this video, we'll cover:
1. What is Artisan in Laravel. ?
2. How To create custom Artisan command in Laravel . ?
3. How To register custom Artisan command in Laravel. ?
4. How To Run Artisan Comman in Laravel. ?
