Laravel Lession #14 | How to Create Custom Middleware in Laravel |Ultimate Guide & Tips 2023

In Laravel, When a user makes an HTTP request to your web application (e.g., accessing a webpage or submitting a form), the request goes through a series of middleware before reaching the application's main logic (controllers). After the request is processed by the middleware, the response goes through them in the opposite order before being sent back to the client.
Application Logic Phase:
1. If the request is not halted by middleware, it proceeds to the application's core logic (controllers/routes) for processing.
The application generates a response.
Response Phase:
2. The response from the application logic is sent back to the middleware stack.
Each middleware in the stack can inspect or modify the response.
Finally, the response is sent to the client.
3. Common Uses of Middleware:
Middleware is versatile and can serve various purposes in web applications, including:
Authentication: Verify if a user is authenticated before granting access to certain routes.
Authorization: Check if the authenticated user has the required permissions for a specific action or resource.
Logging: Log requests, responses, or errors for debugging and auditing purposes.
CORS Handling: Add headers to handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for AJAX requests.
Request Validation: Validate incoming data to ensure it meets specific criteria before processing.
Session Management: Handle session-related tasks like starting and managing user sessions.
In this video, we'll cover:
1. What is Middleware in Laravel. ?
2. How To Create Middleware. ?
3. What is Pass Parameter in Middleware Laravel. ?
