LANKIDETZA: ANDRAMENDI in Europe Schools "Lend a hand to refugees"

Migration Andramendi Beasaingo Ikastola (Basque Country) #ineuropeschools #migration Zaporeak is a Basque asociation helping the refugees in Lesvos. One of the members of the asociation gives his testimony. This video is part of the educational school kit IN EUROPE, provided by the documentary series IN EUROPE VPRO Television, The Netherlands, supported by Euroclio The Hague.
Migrazioa Andramendi Beasaingo Ikastola (Euskal Herria) #ineuropeschools #migrazioa Zaporeak euskal elkartea da eta Lesbosko errefuxiatuei laguntzen die. Elkarteko kide batek bere testigantza eman du. Bideo hau IN EUROPE hezkuntza-kitaren parte da. IN EUROPE VPRO Television serie dokumentala, Herbehereak, Euroclio La Hayaren laguntzarekin.
Creative Commons-en eskuduntza-lizentzia (berrerabil daiteke)
