Lambda Days 2018 - Peer Stritzinger, Kilian Holzinger - Realtime Functional Reactive Programming

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Peer Stritzinger
Peer ported Erlang to Hard-Realtime Operating system RTEMS ( He developed the Hydraprog automotive control unit flashing device, which has been used successfully all over the world for over a decade. Since 2007 the firmware of the device is written mainly in Erlang - including protocol stacks for all existing automotive protocols. Peer is currently developing an industrial transport system controller with Erlang in a small embedded system. Peer's previous experience ranges from low level device drivers to functional languages in industrial and automotive applications, he initially mastered in Physics at the Technical University Munich. He has been working self-employed as a developer since 1987 and also consulted in applied cryptography and protocol design and implementation. He is currently living and working in the idyllic countryside west of Munich, Bavaria.
Kilian Holzinger
Kilian Holzinger ist a Masters student at Technical University of Munich. He gained experience with Erlang by programming and performing in-flight software updates on a multicopter. Currently employed as student trainee at Stritzinger GmbH
Realtime Functional Reactive Programming with Erlang
Functional Reactive Programming is a popular paradigm, which we use to implement complex automotive protocols, in Erlang.
But whats reactiveness when we could have hard real-time?
To get hard realtime Erlang processes we needed to adapt Erlang's scheduling algorithm and garbage collection and run on a realtime OS.
We will show cyber-physical systems implemented with this FRP-Erlang running on GRiSP, a bare-metal board running Erlang that we build.

