Lal Tin Thang-Bawipai Hnen LUngawi Thu “Thanking God”

Bawipai Hnen Lungawi Thu
“Thanking God”
Christian Music.
Chin Falam song.
Singer : Lal Tin Thang.
“Thanking God”
1. Lord, when I see Your creation, You are worthy to be praised! Lord Your Holy name is the wonder of wisemen in this world. Death and life are in Your hands.
Cho: You are the creator of everything, lord of Lords. You are the ruler of all and Lord of lords. Lord I am a sinner, who received Your love and mercy will praise Your name!
2. Lord, I am useless just like a rag, use me as Your will. Lord, I come to You with full of my sins and I give my life to You, Lord!
