LaIllahaillAllah No One Worthy Of Worhsip Except Allah

La ilaha illa 'llah, Muhammadun-Rasulullah:
For the Sufi, the most meaningful words in creation are "La ilaha illa 'llah, Muhammadun-Rasulullah." We claim unequivocally that this phrase is the Origin of all Knowledge, the Sun of all Meaning, the Source of all Truth, and Health, Warmth and Healing to the heart.
Let's examine the phrase in its two components, "La ilaha illa 'llah", and "Muhammadun-Rasulullah".
Part 1. La ilaha illa 'llah
"La ilaha illa 'llah" is the essence of the matter, a simple but profound summary of the "Knowledge of God". It is the essence (and practice) of the annihilation of falsehood. It is both a statement of Divine Truth, and a lesson on how to know it. It means that there IS ONLY Allah, and demonstrates that the quickest way to "know" the Unity is to deny all else.
"La" means no, nothing, negating of what follows, indicating the negation of and implying the illusory nature of the seeming existence of whatever it is referring to, (which, paradoxically, must first "exist" (in the mind) in order to be negated, denied, refused, diminished to zero relative significance).
"Ilaha" is an intensely interesting word, worthy of deep consideration. It means god (little 'g' intended), deity, worthy of worship, deification, edification, respect, subordination, following, service, attendance, consideration. In a word, just about anything that comes from our (individual) minds (mindset, way of thinking), and anything we might care about (our cares), or believe "exists".
"La ilaha" can therefore mean "nothing exists", i. e. nothing is worthy of consideration except that which stands by itself and is not in need of consideration. And how do we isolate that Being? By eliminating from our consciousness (mind) all that can be eliminated, even and including all mental concepts (of God), until there is only pure existence itself, pulsing through our bodies and flowing through our veins.
The indication is that the "Knowing" of God is based on the negation of all else. In practice, that negation is based on an exclusive affirmation of The Only Possible Permanent Reality, God Alone. Once the "Knowing" is known, it stands alone and sufficient. There is no more negation necessary or even possible, and everything becomes an affirmation of the Truth in Reality.
In Sufism, the word "annihilation" refers to the mind (giving no credence to). There is no denial of the outward existence, only the negation of any reality other than the Only True Reality (That which is left when all else is gone). Look how even the basest tyrants act according to this law, seeking to physically destroy their enemies and succeeding only at self-ruin. Nevertheless the principle is the same - arriving at the truth by a process of elimination.
"Illa" means only, but, if not, except.
"'llah" means Allah, Al-lah! (Arabic) The One. The Conscious Oneness. The Unity. The Divine, The Beyond-Comprehension. The Self-Aware, Who Comprehends All. Existing, Knowing, Seeing, Hearing, Speaking, Willing, The Source of Power. Perfection in and of Itself. Greater than which there is none. Who remains when all else is gone.
This Existence must be both intellectually grasped and physically realized. The Divine "Does" Itself. The full embodiment of the Reality of this Truth is the object in "Quest". Knowing it in our minds may be easy but convincing our bodies takes practice, including verbal affirmations and physical negations. This practice transforms this knowing from a concept to a reality.

