L3 - Workshop / Bordeaux University / Maison des Arts / Nov '23


We start with five minute stretching of a body, then warm up with the blues, way to connect your body tools to your feelings. And vice-versa. Two/three exercise by ear to apply harmonic knowledge in practice, or rhythmic independence. Than I propose two-three of my compositions, with voice arrangements. And ask them to create their versions as a home work.
Composition / arrangement as part of improvisation. You improvise an idea, then you fix it. Back tomorrow to it, then fix it in another way, and till the day you feel - it is. That the limite (for the moment).
They learn from me. I learn from them. To hear my compositions with all these voices, and their spontaneous way to express it - gives me so much ideas for my future recordings. Still searching the way I should move with all this.

