

地點 Lacation: 旺角朗豪坊(南座)商場 Langham Place South MONG KOK
升降機編號 Car No.:5
保養商 Maintenance Service Provider: 富士達電梯 Fujitec Elevator
通往樓層 Floor Arrivals:B5,B4,B3,B2,B1,1-3,4A,5-13,R1,R2,R3 (21層 Levels)
容納人數 Capacity in persons: 13
最高載重 Maximum loading: 1000 kg 公斤
A fireman accessible lift, which access for carpark arcades (on B5/F & B4/F), goods loading/ trash station (on B3/F), shopping mall (on between B2/F to 13/F) and top 3 roof levels with machinery room (known as R1,R2 & R3/F) is designed of double-side doors. Apart from some of the floors available to be served as the menu listed during the specified hours, this lift was not callable from any floors other than these above outside the door. However, any levels may be getting back by pressing the buttons directly inside the lift.

