Kyoto Tour | Fushimi Inari | Arashiyama | Tenryuji | KiyomizuDera | Stroll in Philosophy | Jishoji

Hello, we're NIZI.
This is my first trip to Japan Vlog and guide.
Since it's my first trip to Japan, I'm also providing small information that I've experienced with my own body.
I wrote down the time in between the schedules.
I hope it will help you with your travel plans.
* Travel schedule: 23.10.19 to 23.10.25
- This is a video with daily vlogs and reviews from 10.20 to 21.
* Reservation for Transportation Pass
* Santori Kyoto Factory Reservation Site
- If you connect to Chrome, it will be converted into Japanese - English, so you can make a reservation
- The amount is free!! It's a free drink
* Main contents
00:11 Fushimi Inari Shrine Tour
03:55 Hankyu Pass reception location in Kyoto and Arishiyama mobile room
04:30 Arabian % Café Review
05:10 Ochatsuke Restaurant - Taisho Hana Review
07:15 Chikurin and Tenryuji Tour
09:08 Suntory Beer Factory Tour
11:24 Local Izakaya Restaurant - Shuten Nishikawa Review
12:50 KiyomizuDera (Cheongsusa) Tour
17:26 Location of Kansai throughpass exchange site in Kyoto / How to use the bus
18:26 Nanzenji Tour
21:16 Stroll in Philosophy
24:51 Jishoji (Eungaksa) Tour
28:10 Kinkakuji (Goldgaksa) Tour
29:49 Ryoanji Tour

