Kurukulle Mantra作明佛母心咒 爱情人缘粉丝缘

汉语普通话:嗡 咕汝 咕列 耶 梭哈
罗马拼音:om kuru kulle hrih svaha
这句咒语是修行者与佛母能量相连的神圣语句, 念诵这个心咒,能为我们带来爱情和人缘、增加美貌和智慧。KZreadr们想快速提高粉丝量,也可以念此咒哦!
This mantra is a sacred phrase that connects practitioners with the divine energy of Kurukulle. Chanting this heart mantra can bring us love and good relationships, as well as enhance our beauty and wisdom. KZreadrs looking to quickly increase their followers can also chant this mantra!
作明佛母,又名咕噜咕咧佛母,是西藏和印度尊崇的爱神。“作明”(Rig Byed)由“明智”(Rig)和“作成”(Byed)组成,意为“知识启蒙的佛母”,“咕噜咕咧”(Kurukullā)来源于她在Lāṭadeśa的Kurukulla山上的居所。她的形象是舞动天女,身红色,三眼四臂,年少庄严,半喜半怒。她的每只手都持有用优婆昙花制成的法器--弓、箭、钩、索。她的站姿是右脚轻轻勾起,左脚踏实,全身环绕着光环,放射出明亮红光。咕噜咕咧佛母的伟大之处在于她强大的摄召力。她手持的弓、箭、索、钩,类似于希腊神话中的爱神丘比特。据说,只要她的优婆昙花箭射中了谁,谁的心中便会产生爱慕之情。她的“索”能将心爱之人紧紧绑定;而她的“钩”则能勾住他人的心,使他们对使用者产生好感。咕噜咕咧佛母的影响力不仅限于男女之间的爱慕,在家庭、职场、社交等各个场合中,她都能帮我们带来广泛的支持和敬爱。
Meet Kurukulle, goddess of love
Kurukulle, also known as Rig Byed, is a goddess of love revered in Tibet and India. The name "Rig Byed" combines "Rig," meaning wisdom, and "Byed," meaning creation, signifying "the Mother of Enlightenment." "Kurukullā" derives from her dwelling on Mount Kurukulla in Lāṭadeśa. She is depicted as a dancing celestial maiden, red in color, with three eyes and four arms, youthful and majestic, displaying expressions of both joy and wrath. Each of her hands holds a ritual implement made from Utpala flowers-a bow, arrow, noose, and hook. Her stance is dynamic, with her right foot slightly raised and her left foot firmly grounded, surrounded by a halo that radiates bright red light. Kurukulle's greatness lies in her powerful ability to attract and captivate. Her bow and arrows, noose, and hook, reminiscent of Cupid in Greek mythology, have unique influences. It's said that whoever is struck by her Utpala flower arrows will feel a surge of affection. Her noose binds loved ones tightly together, while her hook ensnares the hearts of others, making them feel favorably towards the user. Kurukulle's influence extends beyond romantic love to foster broad support and admiration in family, workplace, and social settings.
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