Kris Miyake: Embracing the Power of His Presence in a Divided World

Kris Miyake: Embracing the Power of His Presence in a Divided World
Kris speaks at King of Kings Worship Center on 11/14/2021
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I have one point for you today.
And I think it's a prophetic word for the body of Christ
in America, and for each of us individually.
And the word is this,
in a moment in time, when there's more fighting,
more division than ever,
when they're more things fighting for our attention,
trying to distract us,
don't let the fight
distract you from the work.
See Sanballat and Tobiah [Nehimiah 4]
knew that he didn't have enough people
to actually defeat the Jews in combat.
That's why when the Jews went on alert
and knew that they were coming
and they lost the element of surprise, they just gave up.
If they thought they had a chance,
if they thought it was 50/50,
if they thought that they had an opportunity,
they would have fought, they would have attacked,
but they didn't, they knew it.
Immediately they ran away,
because they knew - what the enemy knows.
See, the victory for the enemy
is not in defeating the people of God in combat.
The One who is in us, is greater than
anything in the world. [1 John 4:4]
Anyone, anything, spiritual, physical,
whatever you name it,
mental, emotional,
The One who lives in you.
I wish we got a concept of Who actually lives in us.
One of the great phrases in Christianity
that I think, has created some of the worst theology
out there today
is this idea that it's important to know who you are in Christ.
Just went quiet,
98% of you have said this.
You're like, "What is he about to say?"
This idea that it's important to know who I am in Christ.
And there is a bit of truth to that,
but actually that's not what Paul teaches.
See, he doesn't say
"who I am in Christ is the hope of glory."
He says, "Christ in you
is the hope of glory." [Colossians 1:27]
See, Jesus is not the house that I live in.
I am the house that Jesus lives in.
Jesus is not the car that I drive,
I am the car that He drives.
I am the vessel,
He is the master.
It's not important that I figure out who I am in Christ...
what I need to discover is who Christ is in me.
Colossians three puts it this way.
He says, "Set your mind on things above where Christ is."
And then he goes on to say,
because your real
life, he doesn't say your life,
your real life
is hidden in Christ, but get this, watch this.
It's like a caterpillar becoming a cocoon
and emerging the other side of the butterfly, he says,
"Your real life
is hidden in Christ.
"So that when Christ,
who is your life
is revealed."
Now I want you to catch that.
Catch that subtle shift there.
Your real life gets hidden in Christ,
but it emergent, it's not supposed to stay in Christ.
When it emerges, Christ is supposed to be your life.
Your life ceases to be your life in Him and it becomes
His life in you.
You always know when you come out
on the other side of transformation.
When you cease to make decisions
and think of your life in terms of
who I am in Christ. As long as it's about who I am in Christ,
I'm going to think that I have veto power
and a lot of us exercise veto power.
A lot of us sign a lot of executive orders telling
Jesus, "nah, not today."
I want you to get that word to that coworker at veto
that we come on Sunday,
All I need is you. No one else, nothing else.
But see when it's Christ living in you, I know
Galatians 2:20 says,
"I have been crucified with Christ.
"Therefore, I no longer live."
Listen to that language.
We're teaching this Christianity where I can
progressively die
over the course of 90 years.
And hopefully when I die,
I'll be the least alive that I've ever been.
But he says, "No, no,
no, no."
Part of the condition of coming to know Christ
and calling yourself a follower of Jesus
is to lay down your life from the jump.
The execution takes time,
but the decision is immediate.
I don't progressively decide to follow Jesus,
put it down.
Now every day I wake up, my standard is
and where I don't live up to it.
And look, I don't have a single day
that I live completely up to it,
His grace is sufficient for me. [2 Corinthians 12:19]
But just because His grace is sufficient,
doesn't mean that Christ is not my standard.
When we get a clue of who Christ is in us,
That's the worst thing the enemy could ever hear.
Because the minute you realize
that Christ lives in you,
God, Himself, the creator,
The One who spoke the worlds into existence
lives inside of you.
And everything He says is true,
not because He can't lie,
but because God can't lie. You're like, "What does that mean?"
It doesn't God,
when we say God can't lie, it's not because lying is a sin.
And if God lied, it'd be a sin.
