KLM Women in the Glory 2013 - Oct 5

Ladies you won't want to miss this anointed, powerful time in God on Saturday, October 6, 2012. Lady Valarie Parker and Prophetess Doriane Parker-Sims have prayerfully put together an awesome time for women! If you feel God calling you to step out in areas you've never been then this conference is for you! We will hear from leaders in our area who have blazed a trail in the Kingdom of God as well as International Speaker, Prophetess Marcia Morrison. Other Guest speakers include: Jacqueline Marshall, Rose Davis, Shavaun Savage, Theda Fields, and Laura Moody. We will have a wonderful luncheon and time of impartation from the Lord. We will see you there!! Get your tickets and t-shirts online at www.klmchurch.com/glory
