Kingdom Hearts 3 out of context/content:


Kingdom Hearts out of context. Or is it content? Won't it mean the same? Okay soon I will research both meanings.
Now the idea is funny. Show these types of videos to people who never EVER seen or heard the game and then laugh at all their reactions. I'm yet to do that. Hopefully soon I can. (And not to your own children that's just stupid xD It's funnier to the ones who are of the same age and maturity and understanding. Is what I believe anyway.)
So I came upon these videos and find them hilarious. But hold up. I see no kingdom hearts 3 ones. So why not do my own? So I started to and have seen at least 2 videos on them. But still not enough since the other ones have loads. So after I've done my own versions I realized they are hilarious. So look for more of my out of context/content in the future of Kingdom Hearts all games. Thank you.
So enjoy my silencers and subscribe, comment, share and like and I will see you in tommorrow's video. Buy bye! ^^
11 more days until Remind DLC!!! Seriously guys when it hits less then 10 days Im loosing it xD

