On the day of her graduation, Vivienne woke up not being herself.
She kept very quiet, irritable, and as if she was getting sick. We came to school and we couldn’t get a smile out of her. She met her friends and staff but kept freezing everyone out and staying very quiet. Then they all came up on stage and she looked extremely nervous and serious compared to other kids who were just sitting there yawning, waving to their parents, smiling, constantly moving. After she said her lines, left the stage and it was all over, she suddenly changed back to normal. Turned out she was sick worried about that stage moment…the evening before and the day of graduation felt like a blur to her.
but she did it.! We will be looking for stage lessons now to help her overcome that fear of public speaking. Hope she doesn’t take it with her into adulthood 🙏🏻 ||
