Kids Book Read Aloud: Spring - An Alphabet Acrostic by Steven Schnur, Illustrated by Leslie Evans

An acrostic is a poem that is arranged in such a way that a word of formed vertically, and the poem about the vertical word follows and is read horizontally. Follow along with this reading of acrostic poems that are all about Spring.
If you've found a new favorite I encourage you to get a copy of your own, either through purchase or from the library, to read with your favorite people again and again! Also, if you're wanting to enhance the reading material, be sure to check out the five Bookroot Readings suggested questions below.
#kidsbooks #kidsbooksreadaloud #ReadAloud
Bookroot Readings suggested questions to help dive into this book.
1. Which was your favorite Spring Acrostic poem?
2. What makes the acrostic design unique from other poems?
3. Which poem best describes Spring to you?
4. What are your favorite aspects of Spring? Sights, sounds, smells, traditions?
5. Try making an Spring acrostic poem of your own! Your answers to question 4 are a great starting point of ideas.
We would also like to suggest our "Spring" playlist for more books to help jump start ideas of studying this season! • Spring
Also, check out our Poetry playlist for more wonderful poems. • Poetry
