Keynote: Blaise Agüera y Arcas | Absolutely Interdisciplinary 2023

Blaise Agüera y Arcas is a VP and Fellow at Google Research who has been an active participant in cross-disciplinary dialogues about AI and ethics, fairness and bias, policy, and risk. With the recent release of the latest generation of large language models, it feels like the ground has shifted under our feet. What can interacting with these systems teach us about the nature of “intelligence”? In his keynote lecture, Agüera y Arcas will discuss AI and cognition as they relate to questions of norms, valuation, and sociality.
Blaise Agüera y Arcas is a VP and Fellow at Google Research. His focus is on augmentative, privacy-first, and collectively beneficial applications. Agüera y Arcas has been an active participant in cross-disciplinary dialogues about AI and ethics, fairness and bias, policy, and risk. Until 2014 he was a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft. Outside the tech world, Agüera y Arcas has worked on computational humanities projects such as digital reconstruction of photographs. In 2008, he was awarded MIT’s TR35 Prize. In 2018 and 2019 he taught “Intelligent Machinery, Identity, and Ethics” at the University of Washington, placing computing and AI in a broader historical and philosophical context.
About Absolutely Interdisciplinary:
Absolutely Interdisciplinary sets out to generate new conversations and insights by pairing scholars from different disciplines to address a common research question. By examining the impacts of technical systems on society through multiple perspectives, the conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogues to better understand how AI can promote human well-being for everyone. Learn more: absolutelyinterdisciplinary.c...
0:00 Intro
4:24 "Steps Toward the Noosphere"
