Kevin Smith's Batman Part 2: It Gets Better! | Divisive Issues (Archives)

The gang returns to the world Kevin Smith established last week and talk his sequel... or at least the first half that actually came out. Batman: Widening Gyre by Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan.
In this episode we talk about Kevin Smith's Batman (Part 2). And just like Kevin Smith, we'll never actually come back to finish the story. We have pretty complex feelings on this one; is it better or worse than part 1? Yes And we talk a lot about pot and sex because Kevin Smith wrote this book. Phil shows how much smarter he is than the other two dullards while he points out the parallels between this book and the Yeats' poem, The Second Coming, and we did Nazi that coming. Ryan really doesn't know how to pronounce Cacophony and changes his mind on it constantly, which somehow goes unnoticed by the other two dullards. And unlike the other two dullards, Sly has a much higher brow sense of humor when it comes to "dick jokes" in the year of our lord, 2016.
