*Kenru Rush Escape Dungeon Review/ Walk-through Of Levels 1-27 / PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE


Look what I stumbled upon, Kenru Rush Escape Dungeon! For me, this game came with one big surprise. It was a whole lot of fun! I actually found myself learning the entire time I was playing. You would have thought I would have gotten the hang of things right away, with the game only being controlled by three arrows: left, right, and up, but that was not the case. This little adventure really did come with its challenges and its entertainment.
When you first step into the cave, the instructions will show at the top of the screen. Throughout the game, other necessary instructions will be listed this way as well. They explain things like how you are to move, hop, and smash green little slime creatures, to name a few. The goal is to make your way throughout the cave to find a key. This is the only way you can unlock the door to exit. As you make your way, up, down, and all around, there are gems that you will run into. It will turn green, signifying your checkpoint. No matter how many times you become a ghost, you will begin right back where your latest gem is illuminated. That is as long as you have time left on the timer. I had a lot of fun with this part, as I found myself running into all of the things listed that would harm me. This includes water, spikes, fire balls, and even invisible objects. I do apologize for the amount of time it took me to get past a few obstacles and even entire levels. I don't normally play games like this one, but I was very intrigued.
This is why I stated that patience is a virtue because you will for sure need it to get through some of these levels with me. I have seen other games in this style. It gives me a Mario type feel, even down to some of the sound effects. The game has 5 chapters for you to complete. Each with what appears to be 20 levels. I say this because I haven't made it to the end. I don't see why they would have more levels in the later chapters, but you never know. It felt like I flew through chapter one, and I even began chapter two. Things stopped where they did because I was having trouble with level 28. For some reason, the hopping really did give me the hardest time. Just when I thought I had it, the little character would forget how to soar high enough to make it to the next location. Yes, I'm blaming the game. If only you knew what all I was putting in just to get things to cooperate. Despite this and several other hiccups, this does feel like a game someone could finish completely in a day or two.
Since this is meant to be a review, I now have to give it a rating. If I was to rate Kenru Rush: Escape Dungeon out of an A: meaning I will be playing it again for sure, B: meaning I might play it again, if I just want to play something, or C: meaning see you later alligator, it wasn't as fun as I had hoped, I will be giving this one an "A"! It was just that much fun. Although I had my problems, whenever things went right, it was almost epic. I couldn't believe the coordination and the speed I was able to produce. Granted, this did occur after having played a section a few times, but still, the outcome trumps the trouble I was having. Plain and simple, it was straightforward, no crazy tricks, yet it still provided a challenge. This cute little game was both user-friendly and inviting. There are so many games out there that can easily be intimidating.
There you have it! How do you feel about this one? I got you off to a good start. Let me know if you plan on playing this one for yourself. Whether this is for you or not, I do hope you enjoy the walk-through and the review. You see that I didn't play it perfectly, so no worries, just have fun. Until next time! #kemrurush #kenrurushescapedugeon #mobilegame #game #gamereview #walkthrough #adventure

