Kagro in the Morning - June 3, 2024

Greg Dworkin has had a raft o’stories offshore for days now, but David Waldman, always a stickler for protocol, wouldn’t allow him to dock until today. Let’s see what we have on deck...
Hey, DIDYA HEAR? Donald Trump is a convicted felon! It really couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy… In fact, it only happens to people who are convicted of felonies! That’s how America is supposed to work! Trump’s 34 felony convictions certainly were not rigged, as Trump riggers apparently couldn’t find enough riggees in this particular case. And to think, quite a few experts (and every single Democrat) were worried about how this one would turn out. But now, in case you haven’t heard, DONALD TRUMP IS A FELON. You know who hasn’t heard though? Enough people. Enough people have not heard that Donald Trump is a felon.
Some believe that being a convicted felon should carry some restrictions. Owning a gun, serving on a jury, running for elected office... for instance... are just not allowed in many states. Washington State believes in Law and Order, and not letting Donald on the ballot. Last Thursday was the moment that Donald J. Trump finally became precedent, but one that SCOTUS will ignore.
Trump has felonies that he has not been convicted of, and cranks out more almost every day.
Meanwhile, Sam Alito has other things to be concerned about. Like having official security details harass his Lib neighbors.
Israel won’t have Bezalel Smotrich to kick around anymore, especially if they allow peace to break out.
The US calls Mexico “a country rife with gender-based violence and misogyny”, but we aren’t the ones electing Claudia Sheinbaum as President of our country, are we? Face it, we would have stopped on her last name here.
