Kagro in the Morning - June 21, 2024

David Waldman reminds us that there are only 136 days of Donald Trump being a convicted felon before the election, and less than a week of Donald Trump being a convicted felon before the first debate, but less than a day of Donald Trump being a convicted felon before the weekend!
The first debate is the moment we’ve all been… dreading, to be honest. No one wants this, but everyone thinks that they need it. President Joe Biden’s executive actions on immigration removed half of Donald Trump’s yawping points, which might be why Trump is stealing Hillary Clinton’s green card ideas. Or he might be aiming to look like “the levelheaded moderate” to con underinformed undecideds for the minute or so that he needs to make a first and last impression.
Duping the rubes remains of course an important factor in Trump’s Vice Presidential picks. How many MAGA does Trump still need to sucker? Does he still need to pretend that he will ever obey the law again?
Louisiana now requires every public school classroom to carry that lucky rabbit’s foot of Protestantism, the Ten Commandments, which are important to own and display, but not to read or understand. Trump would only know the ones he’s been convicted on, anyhow.
Steven KG Bannon begs the Supreme Court to keep him out of jail, but it’s almost summer vacation time. Sam Alito already has gone fishin’. Missouri's attorney general will sue the state of New York for election interference, which clearly they have not done well enough.
Good morning, Rosalyn MacGregor! Democrat Christian Kleinjans won a recall election in ultra-right Ottawa County. He lasted about two weeks before being pushed out of his job as a community nutrition instructor at MSU.

