KADRIL 2024 manifestacija Maturantski ples SREMSKA MITROVICA. Quadrille square dance. Кадриль


Srbija, Sremska Mitrovica - 15/05/2024, tačno u podne, na Trgu Ćire Milekića, mitrovački maturanti po četrnaesti put zaplesali kadril, pridružujući se svojim vršnjacima širom Srbije i Evrope u tradicionalnom maturantskom plesu.
Organizator ovog svečanog događaja je Gradska uprava za obrazovanje Grada Sremska Mitrovica u saradnji sa Kancelarijom za mlade. Učenici završnih razreda svih srednjih škola u Sremskoj Mitrovici marljivo su vežbali nedeljama unazad, uz podršku svojih profesora i trenera, kako bi svoj plesni nastup izveli besprekorno.
Ova manifestacija, koja je postala tradicija, okuplja na stotine maturanata i građana. Maturanti, odeveni u svečane kostime, pokazuju svoje plesno umeće, što je rezultat njihovog predanog rada i saradnje sa školama i trenerima.
Ples kadril, koji se izvodi sinhronizovano i zahteva preciznost i koordinaciju, predstavlja vrhunac školske godine za mnoge učenike.
Dok muzika odzvanja Trgom Ćire Milekića, prisutni imali su priliku da uživaju u ovom prelepom prizoru i podelili radost sa mladima koji počinju novu fazu svog života. Maturantski ples nije samo završna svečanost, već i simbol budućnosti pune nade i obećanja.
The quadrille is a dance that was fashionable in late 18th- and 19th-century Europe and its colonies. The quadrille consists of a chain of four to six contredanses. Latterly the quadrille was frequently danced to a medley of opera melodies.
Performed by four couples in a rectangular formation, it is related to American square dancing. The quadrille also gave rise to Cape Breton Square Dancing via American square dancing in New England. The Lancers, a variant of the quadrille, became popular in the late 19th century and was still danced in the 20th century in folk-dance clubs. A derivative found in the Francophone Lesser Antilles is known as kwadril, and the dance is also still found in Madagascar as well as old Caribbean culture.
The term quadrille originated in 17th-century military parades in which four mounted horsemen executed square formations. The word probably derived from the Italian quadriglia (diminutive of quadra, hence a small square).
The dance was introduced in France around 1760: originally it was a form of cotillion in which only two couples were used, but two more couples were eventually added to form the sides of a square. The couples in each corner of the square took turns, in performing the dance, where one couple danced, and the other couples rested. The "quadrille des contredanses" was now a lively dance with four couples, arranged in the shape of a square, each couple facing the center. One pair was called the "head" couple, the adjacent pairs the "side" couples. A dance figure was often performed first by the head couple and then repeated by the side couples. Terms used in the dance are mostly the same as those in ballet, such as jeté, chassé, croisé, plié and arabesque.
Reaching English high society in 1816 through Lady Jersey, the quadrille became a craze. As it became ever more popular in the 19th century it evolved into forms that used elements of the waltz, including The Caledonians and The Lancers. In Germany and Austria dance composers (Josef Lanner and the Strauss family) composed for the quadrille. Its popularity made it a metaphor, the "stately quadrille", of the constant formation of fresh political alliances with different partners in order to maintain the balance of power in Europe. Lewis Carroll lampooned the dance in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland's "The Lobster Quadrille" (1865).
Thus the quadrille was a very intricate dance. The standard form contained five different parts, and the Viennese lengthened it to six different parts.
All the parts were popular dances and songs from that time (19th century): Le Pantalon was a popular song, the second and third part were popular dances, La Pastourelle was a well-known ballad by the cornet player Collinet. The finale was very lively.
Sometimes La Pastourelle was replaced by another figure; La Trénis. This was a figure made by the dance master Trenitz. In the Viennese version of the quadrille both figures were used: La Trénis became the fourth part, and La Pastourelle the fifth, making a total of six parts.
Кадри́ль (фр. quadrille от исп. cuadrilla - буквально «группа из четырёх человек») - народный и бальный парный танец французского происхождения. Танец является разновидностью контрданса; возник в конце XVIII века и был весьма популярен до конца XIX века в Европе и России. Музыкальный размер 2/4, обычно перемежающийся размерами 3/8 и 6/8. Темп живой.
Самобытностью отличается русская кадриль, имеющая многообразные местные варианты: московская, калининская, волжская, уральская и другие, известны старинные кадрили Ярославской области. Одна из разновидностей кадрили - народные танцы шестёра, восьмёра, четвёра, распространённые на Урале и в северных областях России.

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  • @user-dw1vj5dg6y
    @user-dw1vj5dg6y28 күн бұрын

    Bravo, deco!
