Just Like Us' 2021 Role Model Awards: Winner of LGBT+ Inclusive Teacher of the Year

Nicola Collins wins LGBT+ Inclusive Teacher of the Year in Just Like Us' 2021 Role Model Awards.
The St. Stephen's C.E. Primary School teacher has won after paving the way for inclusion at her school by celebrating how pupils have all different kinds of families.
Just Like Us is the LGBT+ young people’s charity. Our 2021 Role Model Awards, supported by J.P. Morgan, celebrates excellence in LGBT+ inclusion in primary schools, secondary schools and colleges across the UK.
Runners Up for LGBT+ Inclusive Teacher of the Year are Neil Wilson at Waterhead Academy in Oldham, Manchester, and Natalie Chyba at Howell’s School in Cardiff, Wales.
Full permissions were sought to film all young people and staff featured in this video.
Read more at www.justlikeus.org
