June Holidays & start of Mid Year Exams | got SICK somehow

Honestly speaking June Holidays was quite enjoyable: caught up with friends, did some mental reflections, ate 粽子 for 端午节, made dumplings, had a fun time opening durians, went to ECP, sang karaoke, went out for CCA lunch etc... But the hell of mugging and getting sick at the same time was barely bearable...
0:00 - 1/6/22, Wednesday
5:16 - 2/6/22, Thursday
9:23 - 3/6/22, Friday
14:32 - 4/6/22, Saturday
17:12 - 8/6/22, Wednesday
22:15 - 15/6/22, Wednesday
27:18 - 17/6/22, Friday
27:31 - 19/6/22, Sunday
31:48 - 20/6/22, Monday
36:12 - 22/6/22, Wednesday
36:36 - 23/6/22, Thursday
37:48 - 24/6/22, Friday
39:23 - 25/6/22, Saturday
42:06 - 26/6/22, Sunday
44:19 - 27/6/22, Monday
45:04 - 30/6/22, Thursday
