June 19, 2022: Describing the Indescribable by Rev. Matthew Fillier

Starting this Sunday @ BUC, join us for Creating Our Way Through: A Five Step Journey with Art and Spirit. Based on the series by The Work of the People, Art…is a means of union among [humans], joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of individuals and of humanity. - Leo Tolstoy, adapted for inclusion from his essay What is Art?
We create to emulate.
We create to resuscitate.
We create because we bleed.
We create to heal.
We create to both die and rebirth.
We create because we cannot help it!
Humans happen to be so creative that we manage to create in as many ways as there are of us! Let’s use this time to consider all the ways our creativity is a pathway to our growth and healing and movement towards oneness. Towards atONEment…see you at BUC.
