Jim Danforth interview and rare clips

Interview with Jim Danforth. Scenes from JACK THE GIANT KILLER of Cormoran the giant not in the feature. Effects outtakes from CAVEMAN. Also includes TIMEGATE preview. And some sections from a SHERLOCK HOLMES film called WEST OF KASHMIR. Some sections have no sound.

Пікірлер: 5

  • @hugoverdeguer6891
    @hugoverdeguer68914 күн бұрын

    This is terrific! We hardly hear from this masterful artist, Jim Danforth. His armatures, design, matte work are epic.

  • @Lolipop_Cat
    @Lolipop_Cat23 күн бұрын

    Oh how I love stop-motion giant monsters in the movies!

  • @hugoverdeguer6891
    @hugoverdeguer68914 күн бұрын

    T-Rex fall and business on cliffside are brilliant. Love the Horned Lizard.

  • @hugoverdeguer6891
    @hugoverdeguer68914 күн бұрын

    at 16:40..how did he have actor cross in front of Cormoran?