劍擊|劍擊裝備| Learning about fencing with Kala EE|廣東話教學|兒童中文學習|花劍|佩劍|重劍|親子運動|劍擊運動|兒童劍擊|香港劍擊

到底劍擊是怎樣的呢? KalaEE帶大家一起學習當中很多小知識、概念和因果關係!
Fencing, a group of 3 related combat sports with long history, which also enhance attention, coordination and agility of human.
Very proud of and congratulation to Hong Kong Fencers won in Olympic game and other international games. Actually what is fencing?? How to prepare and learn? Let's learn from it with Kala EE!
鳴謝:盧姍姍劍擊教練 - 尚方劍擊訓練中心
ig: byjoss
fb: / byjossfencing
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