Jazz Flutist Alvin Fisher's 15 year old grandaughter Georgia Harris!

Our granddaughter Georgia! Featured dancer as “Alice and the Babadook” by Ishanathan Guteng.
Alice in Wonderland is a film in which a little girl finds herself lost navigating a nonsensical world. A popular conspiracy theory of this film is that little Alice is actually suffering from schizophrenia and this entire adventure is just an extension of her illness that the audience sees through her perspective. The Babadook is an Australian horror film about a woman who is haunted by her husband's death and soon after, the Babadook monster. The hidden meaning of this movie is that the Babadook monster represents depression which "lives in the basement", coming up to haunt the depressed individual at every trigger. The piece "Alice and the Babadook" is a play on both literary theories of these films. This piece portrays the initial encounter, the struggle and the overcoming of mental health issues with the Babadook representing the mental illness and Alice, the afflicted."
