James L. Motley ~ Bridge TV

Recognized as “The Basics Speaker'' for his relatable and creative style, James L. Motley brings awareness to those who struggle with reaching and understanding their full potential.
After being incarcerated from the age of 17-25, James became committed to serving people throughout his community and beyond. James is committed and dedicated to transforming people at the crossroads in their lives.
​James's approach towards helping individuals was developed 20 years ago while working alongside Fortune Society with those struggling with re-entry back into the community. He then continued his journey by working with the homeless, substance abusers, troubled teenage/young adults, and those struggling with mental illness, at the Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center in New York.
Honored by Mayor Bloomberg in 2006, he became Director of Prevention Services and worked alongside the Department of Health of New York, he strategically planned and developed many preventive services throughout the world.
Web- jameslmotley.com
BridgeTV S2 JamesMotley Ep5 December 2023
Host Dorinda Angelucci
