Jacky Giving Some Smacky in Snake Prairie (Wipeout)

So I reached the bling limit yesterday and since I already have like every skin I really want (I'm bougie, I know) I decided to spend some bling on heart pins, cause, duh, heart pins are my thing. And even though I have a lot of fun playing Jacky on grassy maps, I didn't have her heart pin! A crime, I know. Little did I know how hilarious it was too... hahaha I always took that voice line (Come to Jacky and get some smacky) to mean she was gonna beat them up... but with the heart pin as context I realized it could also be a pun for giving someone a hard wet smack on the lips hahahaahaha which of course entertained me to no end and I spammed it like all day yesterday.
One thing I do want to rant about, though, is how players don't know how to play this map and mode. I was hoping to gain some trophies but, no. I lost 50 instead and had to get them back... Pro tip, going into enemy territory alone is how you lose on this map. Also, dying in Wipeout is very bad. Stop it, randoms. Bad. Very bad. If you're reading this (I doubt anyone does but if you do) please for the love of everything holy, never go into enemy territory alone. It never ends well. The chances of you getting that team wipe is slim to none alone. So, stop it. Don't be the bad random with 0 kills and 6 deaths on your end screen.
Buuuuut lucky for me I ran into this Colt and then later this Buzz and we were just the unlikely dream team. Higher up in trophies (Colt was just under 900 trophies, so we got matched against a lot of 900+ enemies), you need a sharpshooting teammate because they like to have a Bo, a Piper and maybe one grass dweller (Tara, Jacky, Buzz, Rosa) and break up the grass early... Just sniping in the end game. So, this Colt was soooooooo clutch in those situations because this player actually hit his shots which is so rare when it comes to random Colts 😭 (he sent me a friend request and I was omg I was about to send one to youuuuu. Accept!!!). Even though he was much higher in trophies (I had titled to 750 😭 hate randumbs) and we were being matched against more experienced players because of it, we had a winning streak and only lost once due to me being over ambitious and thinking I was going in for a double kill and getting surprised by a third Rosa in the end 😢 . I thought she was battling my teammates and she snuck up on me. But, it's fine. I redeemed myself with the first two games in this video.
#bralwstars #jacky #snakeprairie #wipeout
