【静岡/特別史跡】登呂遺跡/二千年前の弥生時代の水田集落遺跡 - Toro archaeological site/The paddy village ruins 2000 years ago -

Toro archaeological site is a Yayoi Period site located in Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is a reproduction of a paddy field village from about 2,000 years ago. Toro archaeological site were discovered by accident in 1943 during the construction of a munitions factory, and at the time, it was the first time in Japan that the remains of paddy fields from the Yayoi period were discovered. This discovery established the image of the Yayoi period as a time of paddy rice cultivation, and the site has since become a familiar place in history textbooks.
Toro archaeological site are located in a residential area, and a mysterious landscape where ancient and modern times intersect is spread out in front of you.
National Historic Site / Yayoi Period Ruins / Special Historic Site / Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture
●Official Site
●Access info
●Video content
0:00 イントロダクション / introduction
0:33 復元高床式倉庫 / Restored high floor warehouse
0:51 復元竪穴式住居 / Reconstructed pit dwelling
1:29 住居群 / Dwelling group
2:27 祭殿 / Sanctuary
2:52 復元水田 / Restored rice paddy
3:.24 地図案内 / Map guidance
3:.36 エンディング / Ending
#登呂遺跡 #特別史跡 #Toro #静岡市 #archaeological

