
茶品 / 2016年矮腳烏龍
急須 / 片瀨和宏手作六角把手方急須
壺承 / 永島義教手打銅鍍金橢圓皿
片口 / 野田裏美鐵釉片口
水註 / 菊地保壽堂vintage金柄白色急須
茶杯 / 森屋茉莉子硝子三角杯
茶盤 / ふじい制作所藍綠色漆器皿
茶勺 / 土本訓寬・久美子三島手鹿紋勺
涼爐 / Synergy天然石熏爐
🍵今日の茶席 第178回 【実用の美学】🍵
🍵Today's Tea Party No.178 [Practical Aesthetics]🍵
No matter they are Japanese or Chinese, artists, designers, ceramists, or any other creative people should go back to the basics of creation. Think about the breadth and possibilities of tea in a multifaceted way, practice the coexistence of creation and design, and the fusion of your own style and the orthodox style, and apply it to the utensils of everyday life.
By learning in a multifaceted way through places and times, you can break away from traditional creation and develop the forms of this time and your own style, bringing new artistic appeal to practical aesthetics.
