
茶品 / 2006年白鶯山古樹普洱茶
急須 / 菅沼淳一香檳金彩急須
壺承 / 中西申幸十二瓣花皿
水註 / 菊地保壽堂vintage黑柄咖色菱形急須
片口 / 中西申幸花草鹿紋面取片口
茶盞 / 明治時代三浦竹軒線條紋麥槁茶碗
茶托 / 李朝白釉鐵砂梅花形小臺子
茶入 / 銀貓圓形銅托子
茶勺 / 大桃沙織銅茶勺
茶盤 / 永島義教手打銅鍍金橢圓皿
🍵今日の茶席 第147回 【温故知新】🍵
🍵Today's Tea Party No.147 [Learn from the Old to Create Something New]🍵
I think that cultural traditions are easily accepted when they are integrated into our daily lives, such as food, clothing, and shelter. I still believe that culture is integrated into our lives like water, so I am not negative about the present, nor do I dwell on the past.
We live in an age where the Internet is more popular than reading, so it is often said that information is symmetrical, but people tend to have extreme opinions.
The day before yesterday, when I was talking to a woman from an old Kyoto family at Yoshida-yama hill, she used a Chinese proverb "Learning from the old to create something new”.

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  • @MilkyBear_TV
    @MilkyBear_TV26 күн бұрын

    안녕하세요. 좋은영상 보고 구독 누르고 갑니다. 너무 좋아요~
